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Posts posted by Ames

  1. Snog: Johnny Depp.. although i would insist her cleaned his teeth first!
    Marry: Orlando Bloom... *sigh* (would have said Edward but he's not real LMAO)
    Avoid... Vin Diesel... URGH yuck.. and more yuck!

  2. Hi guys!!!! Sorry for being absent so long but i have been wrapped up in Happy Pets (because of Yvette!!! LOL) and also had a new puppy called Ted so he has been taking up ALL my spare time... He's hard work!!!!

    Anyway... I've popped on to give some stuff away as i have loads of stuff in my chest and none of it is being used!

    I have decided it will be just ONE winner for the loot and all you have to do to win this booty is answer this one question...

    1. When i was at school... which part did i play in Romeo and Juliet?

    The loot on offer is too long to list so who ever wins will get a mad gift bomb of random stuff!!!!

    I miss you all loads x

  3. Just checking in to let you all know i'm ok and miss you all!

    Will be around more this week and have some trading and some giveaways to do so hopefully you'll all join in congratulations

    Hope everyone is well x

  4. Pfft to the woman who says you can't wear light colours! I'm fair and i wear pale colours and vibrant colours and can get away with both. Can't wear brown though.. i look awful in brown! LOL

    The dress is very you Yvette! xx

  5. Ok!!!!

    All the answers were brilliant! BUT I have to award first prize to Spooky just because the comic strip was brilliant AND i want to know what happens!!!

    I am also awarding 5 jukes to "mama" because we all know how generous "mama" is with her own stuff

    Thanks to everyone that entered... keep your eyes open... there will be more to come!

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