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Posts posted by Ames

  1. My friends make me feel
    My friends make me see
    My friends make me realise
    That my friends make me, ME.

    My friends make me laugh
    My friends make me cry
    My friends make me realise
    I have no need to lie.

    My friends are all different
    My friends are all great
    My friends make me realise
    That meeting was fate.

    My friends take my moods
    My friends take my pain
    My friends make me realise
    I can smile once again.

    So don't ever feel guilty
    But please never change
    Because knowing me makes you realise
    It's pretty cool to be strange x

  2. Ooooh i have been with you through a variety of emotions in the past.. so why would now be any different? We ALL face times where things are tough and we don't always act like ourselves but what kind of friends would we be if we thought less of each other for our moods... i have periods where i am so low i could hide in a cave so i know how you feel xx

  3. lea75 wrote:
    I know exactly where you are coming from..my youngest is nearly 3 now, and I'm facing the 'what am I going to do' situation

    I cant go back to being a florist as the hours dont suit a single parent, plus my arthritis in my hands will restrict me too much...so I'm thinking of what I want to do...I'm thinking along the lines of web designer...something I would love to be able to do Smile

    Then go for it! Crikey, life is WAY too short to sit there wondering isn't it? I've "wondered" for 26 flaming years and i sit now here thinking... "What on earth was i thinking wasting 10 years working for a ginger clown who encourages obesity" I should be making a difference... enriching lives not helping to end them!!!

    If it is something you want to do Lisa... then grab it and do it! For YOU!

    Tiddly Winks wrote:
    I have been contemplating going back to school, to ministerial school to become a Unity Minister. It's something I have thought about since I was 17 and now that I am actually getting the application for it, things are really up in the air with us. Where will we go??? The questions here far outweigh the answers at this point.

    Anyway, If you know what you want to do, go for it! Certianty is something that I would love to have at this stage in the game, but I don't.

    Lucky you! Smile I am really happy for you.

    Yvette... as i said above... life is too short to have reservations.. if you want to do it then you will find a way! xx

  4. I've popped into our local college today. Been to apply for a Teaching Assistants course. Starts in September. Have handed in my details and just need to wait now to hopefully get a phone interview.

    I really need a new start.
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