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Posts posted by Ames

  1. The font looks brill... that i'm not anything special so i can have it too. I thought about applying to be a safe trader but applying hurts my head and would be the 4th time i've applied to be one on various forums.

    LOVING the font though!!!

  2. Go on... close your eyes. There are no cc hacks. No fox hacks. Just a wonderful group of friends on a warm forum that is so welcoming and amazing.

    Right here is what is important. We can close our eyes to the fallout.. we can still love our game. I know that i own 5 foxes.. none are hacked as they were gifted ages ago. I know that if i sent one to someone.. it is REAL and warm and the sentiment behind that gift would matter to ME.

    They can hack the WHOLE of PS but they cannot take the brilliant friendships i have formed here.
    Tweet... you make my day special on so many levels
    Riuna... what can i say.. you're my fave person to gift bomb.
    Falc, Bunny, Lisa, Tiddly, Dawn to name but a few of the great people i have met here... with you lovely people as friends... i cannot lose. xxx
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