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Posts posted by Ames

  1. Ok... so i happen to think Mookie is quite a little trend setter in her own right.. she gets a lot of compliments about her home so i decided to set up this little thread just for a giggle... in it, Mookie will give her weekly opinion on what SHE feels is "HOT or NOT!" for the week. This will include new items and some old.. what she feels YOU should be decorating your home with or putting away in shame!!


    So without further ado...

    This week for Mookie... it is ALL about the flowers people! Work those yellows! Bring out your daffodils and sunflowers and show us how bright and sunny it can be!
    The fairy look is so HOT right now.. everyone wants a bit of MookieBell! For the boy pets... the pan outfit will get you everywhere! However sporting Hook or Smee outfits may get you a few sneers!

    Utilise the beautiful new window in the DIY store.. it makes the whole room seem magical! The new pink rug is gorgeous and not the most horrific pink ever so it is FINE to use it this week!
    If you were lucky enough to own them... pull out your beautiful white wings and get all angelic for extra HOT points!

    This weeks NOT's include the Vegetation... I mean yes its nice to have some plantation but crikey... who ever heard of a pink palm! GET A GRIP!
    Prom is so last week... throw that dress back in the wardrobe and as for the crown... well it would make an interesting paperweight i guess!
    Bubble chairs are the biggest NO NO this week... they are nothing but cheap plastic tat now they are only worth 2499 so HIDE them if you want to be HOT!

    Be HOT people... be HOT! x

  2. lea75 wrote:
    Ames your room looks ace...I just think its a lot of cc's for such a small room Ashamed

    you cant fit a lot in there, especially compared to the normal cc rooms

    Totally agree! So glad i was gifted it. I wouldn't have bought it myself i don't think as much as i love it.
    Same with the sushi bar.. i love it but just don't think i could justify buying it myself if that makes sense?
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