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Posts posted by Ames

  1. OOOOH i must have missed this post... Congrats Kathy, i cannot think of ANYONE that deserves this more than you this month.. you are an absolute gem and always make an effort to make others smile no matter how bad you are feeling...

    I love that i know you and feel blessed having your friendship x

  2. Who was the pilot? Lazar... he'd love being a pilot lol
    Which forum user pulls everyone in the water to safety? Dawn would be the life saver!
    Which forum user do you put in charge of building shelter/a house? Falc.. he's big tough and manly lol
    Which forum user do you put in charge of building a raft? Tiddly... she'd panic if she had nothing to do!
    Which forum user do you put in charge of food? Hmmm.. not me.. there would be none left!
    Which forum user eats all the food? That would be me then yes?
    Who is the leader of the group? Lea75 of course... Lisa likes to crack the whip!
    Who do you become best friends with? Tweet40 or Riuna.. i love my girlies!
    Who turns crazy and starts killing people? I reckon that would be Lucky... she has a sadistic streak somewhere lol
    When you run out of food, who do you eat first? The fattest.. so own up! LOL


    Which 3 items from Pet Society do you bring to the island? The new grill, my immortal wings so i could fly and get help and the viking ship to escape in!

  3. I love you to bits and think she's batty if she doesn't want to "converse" with you. I think sometimes... (i've been guilty of it myself Ashamed ) when you have someone who is willing to make ALL the effort it is kind of easy to just sit back and let them. It is shallow and horrible but it does happen. I feel that i should make more of an effort on PS as all my friends drop me notes and gifts A LOT and i only do it on rare occasions or just randomly gift for no reason. It's just how some people are sugar...

    I would happily natter to you on MSN about anything. Heck if you wanna talk about cheese i'd talk to you about cheese. You are a GREAT gal and i think if this friend can't be bothered to get involved then is she really worth your time and effort? We can and DO outgrow people. It's just human nature babe xx

  4. I've been so so so so so so busy... i haven't stopped the past few days and i am shattered!

    Hope everyone is well.. Kathy hope you are feeling better... Tiddly hope you feel a bit more like yourself x

    To everyone else.. hope you have had a wonderful weekend xx
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