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Everything posted by Hem...

  1. How do you get granted special access? For example, if you click FAD or BAC it would come up with something saying " sorry, only users granted special access can..."
  2. I agree, 2x3333 is a very good offer, as far as i know, it normally goes for around 4x3333
  3. Thanksyyou everyone for your oppinion I'll be keeping my eyes the same and closing this thread
  4. I'm not sure wich eyes look better... and I need your help to decide! Eyes
  5. could i please have number 7?
  6. that happened to me too! then i put it back in and there were SIX pets!!!
  7. could i have 3 please? loove rocky's syle
  8. Hem...

    Swap Costume Bag thread

    i have a dog costume and i want to trade them with the pink cat costume or the leopard costume i would be so happy if anyone could trade xx
  9. thank you lazar the person below me will get a gmb
  10. i like the frist one and the second, the third looks great also
  11. i recieved the staircase but i accidently sent 2x3333 instead of RC things, can you pls send back
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