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Eris Constance

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Everything posted by Eris Constance

  1. Hi guys, I'm looking for past TWS tree seeds. 2 Halloween Tree Seeds for 1x3333? 2 Festive Tree Seeds for 1x3333? 4 Love Tree Seeds for 2x3333? If you think my price is too low, please do tell me.
  2. That's a great thing! Being excited about PS makes me happy too! And I LOOOOVE Christmas! I think I have most of the Christmas and Winter stuff, so when December rolls around I am thinking of makeing all my rooms into Christmas & Winter themes (yes, I'm thinking of closing down my Boutique Hotel at the end of the year. I can't wait to see Helena's Rooms in December!!! And imagin all the fun it will be to send all our good firends gifts wrapped in beautiful boxes! I will have to save up my coins between Halloween & Christmas. It will be so fun if there were more snowy times in PS. Hmmmm. I also want a rainy theme! With raining clouds, and puddles, and umbrellas (that our pet can hold), with rainbows and raincoats!
  3. I don't really buy TWS items unless I like them. I only buy the pretty ones which I really like. Unfortunately, last December, I didn't know that TWS items go away after the week, so I missed a lot. XD Anyways, I am still excited to see new stuff all the time.
  4. Hi... I have a problem with my current job. My superior wants me to work on a project for practically free, and I simply don't know what to do. See, I'm a researcher and we get paid per page on projects. The project being forced on me has only a few paid pages, but I know that given all of the instructions and requirements for the project, it would amount to more pages. If I do this project, I will be doing work practically for free, since the technicalities of the project would result in more than a few pages. More like triple the paid number of pages. It is not possible to do a coherent research with just a few pages. I feel so helpless, because despite the fact that I know I am being treated unfairly (not to mention forcing the project on me--when in fact, we are given the right in the company to turn down a project), I feel helpless because my superior can get very unreasonable. My superior has always been unhelpful and I find it hard to believe that my superior will be understanding now.
  5. I know!!! I'm soooo excited about everything! Sometimes I wish that the days go faster. Or that they release new stuff everyday. Of course, I know PF works very hard to give us all those weekly releases, but I am still excited all the same! Can't wait! Most of the time, I get bored of the new items after a day or two, then I switch back to decorating with the past items which I really like.
  6. More like most of them. XD I wasn't addicted much to PS last year. So I just bought a few stuff; and now I began trading for some of them. XD
  7. Payment sent and items received. Thank you so much for waiting! Will be adding to your rep now.
  8. Please wait a while, PS won't load for me.
  9. 2 Cute Tiger Plushies for 2x3333? AND 1 Dark Owl for 1x3333. Please tell me if that is okay with you, I am not sure how much they should be. Thank you.
  10. Thank you Sarah. The next person in line gets an classy music pack consisting of Wooden Cello, Wooden Harp, and Elegant Wooden Piano.
  11. Thanks so much guys! I really wanted to share some stuff here in the forum. And oh, btw, do you have any suggestions or anything?
  12. ... Christmas in Pet Society! Okay, I know it's only June, and there are other celebrations before Christmas, but I really, really, really am excited. I never got to buy everything I wanted from last Christmas in Pet Society, so I am excited for this year's Christmas celebration. I am so excited, that I even decorated my display room for Christmas. With Halloween plushie gifts. On the other hand. I am also excited for next week's items. Ah, I'm kind of the impatient one when it comes to PS. I am always excited. I wonder if that's a bad thing.
  13. All items received, thank you very much for the smooth trade! Will now add to your rep.
  14. all olls costs 1x3333/each. but still i need to check if these are still available in my chest. will let u know..thanks Thank you very much, Chay. all available except for the owl doll dear So, 3x3333 for Grim Reaper, Witch Doll and Wolf Plushie? Okay, I'll send an FR.
  15. Eris Constance

    Need a book

    You can try reading The Divide by Elizabeth Kay. It's about a boy with a heart disease who finds himself lost in a world where mythical creatures are real, and they all believe that human beings are mythical.
  16. Bumping my thread up... Trivia: The parents of the Baudelaire children died in a horrible fire, and this was the beginning of their unfortunate life.
  17. Thank you for the trade... Will add to your rep now.
  18. I'm back on! Yay, I still see the item I was trying to send, so will send it again.
  19. Hi, Polina, may you please tell me how many items you already received? I got saved failed after I sent the 3rd 999...
  20. FR accepted. I'll send first.
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