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Eris Constance

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Everything posted by Eris Constance

  1. It means "Bring Up My Post" and is used to raise the thread in the forum. When a new post appears on a thread, the thread goes up. A friend of mine said it should be "Bring Up This Thread" or... BUTT.
  2. I still need the watermelon slice. >.< I keep getting the pomegranate and the orange.
  3. Quite. But I wasn't a big fan of that wig because of the bow--and it looks odd on my pet's head (although this one might look odd, too). This one looks more Japanese.
  4. When I think of it, Helena won't probably wear it as much as she wears her mermaid wig, but it's just sooooo pretty it breaks my heart. But you are right, Agne! I must not let PF/EA ruin my fun! PF/EA sure needs a lot more money that they already have. >. It's just too much. The most expensive cc items I ever buy are only the WWF items. Agreed. I am so close to writing them an angry letter too! I wish PF/EA would stop with all the cc items! It was good when the items were really special, but clothes? They're clothes! Sigh. So expensive I wanna actually spend money to go to London and argue with PF. I've been playing PS for almost 2 years now, and I must say inflation really sucks in PS. There were very few cc items before, and those cc items usually do special things. But now... sigh.
  5. I really want the Japanese Princess Outfit which will be for sale on Wednesday. But it's 24cc! For an outfit that does nothing! That's almost triple the price of the Fairy Tale Boxes! I really want it, but I promised myself to not buy cc for a while, because I need to save up for important real life things. And PF/EA is being completely unfair. Cruds. I really want the wig, too. And I can't even trade for it right now because the cc rates are way high.
  6. I wasn't going to get it, but I thought it was pretty. XD A friend gifted it to me, though.
  7. Waaaah. I am still trying to collect 99 of the elephant doll. >.< And a lot of those to be removed are 999s! I hope we get good stuff--and enough with all the junk. *fingers crossed*
  8. I completed my strawberry cream cake collection too! Thank you so much to everyone who helped me. Now off to start a 99 collection of the elephant doll. But ugh, they are going to be removed from the GMBs next update. Oh well. >.
  9. Sure thing, Kasi! If I find extras, I'll send one over. Have a nice vacation!
  10. Hi! Welcome to PSFC! I hope you enjoy your stay, everyone here is warm and nice. If you have questions, feel free to ask.
  11. Well, I first lined up the clothes which I wanted to be together, then went to another room, then went back to the wardrobe room and rearranged them according to which is on top of which. It took some time and a couple of tries, but I did it and everything stays put now.
  12. Eris Constance

    ~Please Close~

    How much for the Wonderland flower decor?
  13. I can't enter because I am from the Philippines. I dunno if there is some law about it, but I am already 21, legally old enough, and I don't think there are laws regarding joining online contests which provide virtual prizes... Did a check on our country's laws about the Web, but I found nothing... so... I am still confused. And sad about the whole thing.
  14. I wish the make a plushie were real plushies. Our pets can't play with them. >.<
  15. I didn't get the free shovels yesterday, but I got them today, and got the water drop hat. It's adorable, but I really wish we can dig more stuff without spending cc. It's simply too much. I'd really love to have the rare mermaid dress and the dolphin, because I think it those do something, but I don't think I can afford to spend cc for this. >.<
  16. Hi guys! I was browsing on the PS site, and I saw some fan videos for PS that are really hilarious! I'd like to share them with you. I hope that is all right. This one's for all of those PS and Lady Gaga fans. I am sure Lazar will get a kick out of it. http://petsociety.com/?page=video And this second one was a winner for a PS competition a year or so ago, I think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxYhDHbnyN4&feature=player_embedded#!
  17. Bump bump bump... Still looking for them... Anyone? Please?
  18. Hi Dawn, sorry for the late reply! I almost forgot about my trading thread! XD Is 6x3333 okay for all of them? 2x3333 for Classy Kitty, Prince Doll, and 2 Rockhopper Penguins. And 4x3333 for the Black Cat doll and Black Kitty plushie... Please do tell me if the price is too high!
  19. I love her old eyes better, the first one. She has look curly lashes.
  20. Helena was also a boy before! Named Benjamin. XD And also, she became Eris Amy Lee for a few days: her evil persona.
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