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Everything posted by MeowMeow

  1. MeowMeow

    Vanillas shop !

    2 Pet Fawkes Plushie 4*3333 2 chestnut plushie 4*3333 And 2 Heart Aprons 8*3333 (Please no heart apron dress, just heart apron. ^^) nevermind
  2. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Use-Snipping-Tool-to-capture-screen-shots Here! So you can see!
  3. When I want to be clean to take a pic of my pet, I don't have to anymore. Well that is if I just want a close up. Just go to the styling building and all the flies disappear! You can also put different traits--like mouse ears, pig nose, big pink eyes--and you don't have to buy them. And I take a pic with the Snipping Tool (if any of you know what that is...) Then you can clean the background with Paint or Photoshop or SAI. ^_^
  4. Yes. I was just about to ask. ^.^ Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooo much!
  5. Oh sorry for bumping twice! >.< I just want it so bad! What if I limit it down to once a day? Would that be spamming?
  6. this is one of my pet's fave outfits but I am wearing something else today ^^
  7. Well there is me! ^.^ *links removed - Lea75* Mule Accounts! But I would have to ask my rl friends! Please do not add links to other peoples facebook accounts - Lea75
  8. Aw I see. Well you want the fastest browser, I would go with Google Chrome. ^.^ I tested PS on GC and Fire Fox and let me tell you it is waaaaaaay faster!
  9. Omg! Please reserve a magic mermaid dress for me!!!! I will spend all this week making that money!
  10. What internet browser are you using?! That sounds super slow!
  11. bump :pinkjello: :squitty: :blackcat: :monster: :monster:
  12. I am willing to pay in 5999's If you have 2 complete sets, I will pay you in cc's
  13. I'm Dirty too!!! Also I have a few friend that like to stay dirty too if you are interested~
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