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Everything posted by MeowMeow

  1. I would pay up to 5*3333 for one item. well at all I was hoping for a fairytale box in return.. Well do you have anything else? :o nope sorry.. just the bluebell... Okay we will see. ^^ But for now I am trying to buy in bulk with what's left on my cc. Just keep it on hold for me! cool! I mean the 2009 eggs. ^.^ The eggs you can shake out of the trees. Also the new items are out and I have 20cc put aside for you!!! What do you want~ Is the dragon doll green? How doe you feel about 26cc??? o.o
  2. Awesome! We are a;ready friends so I will send you paymeant for the cake as soon as PS loads~
  3. I would pay up to 5*3333 for one item. well at all I was hoping for a fairytale box in return.. Well do you have anything else? :o
  4. I would pay up to 5*3333 for one item.
  5. Omg! It isn't....! T^T the puppy is sooooooo cute though.... Why does PF do that?!?!? I think all items should be giftable!!!!!!! I also hate the fact that everything is getting more expensive! >.
  6. lol XD that is one way of describing a trophy...lol!
  7. I still need sticker trophies (all T.T) And 2 more for Beginner's Luck trophies (the betting one >.
  8. ^.^ lol meeee tooooo! they are yummy! added rep too!
  9. 2*3333 for Pet Lisa 2*3333 for Bloody Bunny Plushie 1*3500 for Pink Bicycle 2*3333 for Monster Plushie total 6*3333+1*3500
  10. Yes I still have! I can sell you one too! ^.^ Actually Ange.... I don't have anymore. T.T I thought I had 2 more but I just had one.... I am sorry.....
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