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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. ..anyway, just wanna share something regarding what transpired recently. Some might have gave their piece earlier and although i didn't catch a glimpse what was written, assuming it was plain bashing to all involved for how we 'react' to it, this is something to clear up a bit. Anyway this is just somewhat a recap, not trying to stir up anything again cause whatever just happened between us and takata is all fine and cool now. People like me and demonicle already pointed it out loud that so many things happening out there is just as simple as an sms to resolve it. So when turn out both of us resorted to type it in such manner like what demonicle just posted above, hope you guys understand neither of us wrote the 'essays' just for the sake writing and expect more and more dramas to come in, not like we have to come out with this everyday. Hotwheels dramas is the least we would care of, especially for these silly thingy (you guys are right), but at some point there are things that you just can't hold it to yourself any longer. And because of that i'd like to say sorry to you guys cause i pretty much lost it, why didn't i stick to my own words that i should have just sms person involved, is because whatever i wrote wasn't actually meant for takata in fact i did not came in to comment on his main issue at first place. And i have to repeatly mention that obviously i'm aware my greens speeches aren't related to takata's problems anyway. But there's just something all the hwcm readers need to understand before all of us could move on. I am merely addressing something that's been going on which we could have just exchange words from the beginning but we already did what's best, by not 'reacting' to it all this while. I'm not gonna use this post to revisit one by one what supposedly 'HWCM' has been accused of. All i could say is 2 things. One, for everything there's always 2 sides of the story, eventually the whole thing could turn out to be a non-issue (nobody's a villain here), or it could be 1 side is indeed a culprit (e.g that's the one who pau those Super Chevroletors) but how do you handle it is upon your wisdom to do so. Disagreeing is not that bad actually, compared to being such hypocritical which we see playaz behave so all the time. Two, is to appreciate how hotwheels fanbase are made out of all kind of personalities. Hotwheels collectors would have been one big happy family if only you guys understand there are people just being who they are, or type of collectors they belongs to. If you only find "genuine passionate realest or real" hotwheels collector fits in your clique, or some "special force to wipe out hotwheels sculpers in the scene", or "any group of people as long as there's no Rayz-HWC in it" then all the best for ya. Even if i'm pissed with someone let's say, i would have just keep distance and communicate less with him. Bukannya susah kan? Mods are allowed to monitor this thread and point out whichever necessary, just try not to delete much cause i look forward for hwcm homies to give their take as well. ..and btw regarding TRU KLCC all i could say is a fellow playa actually scored Super Camaro quite some time after the event passed, and during the event itself a friend's friend picked up regs from the peg. So i wouldn't confirm or deny the supposed hoardings cause i myself have no idea bout it, but i would say he or they must be doing poor job then.
  2. No one deletes this thread cause the Demonicle has spoken. **hey who went and put my post in bold
  3. Yeah that's da spirit! Now because i'm already exhausted for another essay to end this, i'll just let my homie abang wikipedia help do the explaining on takata's ultimate question.. Spoiler: WHAT IS LOGIC? Logic, (from the Greek λογικός logikos) is the study of reasoning. Logic is used in most intellectual activity, but is studied primarily in the disciplines of philosophy, mathematics, and computer science. Logic examines general forms which arguments may take, which forms are valid, and which are fallacies. It is one kind of critical thinking. In philosophy, the study of logic falls in the area of epistemology, which asks: "How do we know what we know?" In mathematics, it is the study of valid inferences within some formal language. Logic has origins in several ancient civilizations, including ancient India, China and Greece. Logic was established as a discipline by Aristotle, who established its fundamental place in philosophy. The study of logic was part of the classical trivium. Averroes defined logic as "the tool for distinguishing between the true and the false"; Richard Whately, '"the Science, as well as the Art, of reasoning"; and Frege, "the science of the most general laws of truth". The article Definitions of logic provides citations for these and other definitions. Logic is often divided into two parts, inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning. The first is drawing general conclusions from specific examples, the second drawing logical conclusions from definitions and axioms. A similar dichotomy, used by Aristotle, is analysis and synthesis. Here the first takes an object of study and examines its component parts, the second considers how parts can be combined to form a whole. Logic is also studied in argumentation theory.
  4. Urm.. both of ya should pm me then. I should be knowing what's going on too right. Takata thingy is all cool, of course we all know when it's time to move on. But i don't wish to invite yet another 'problem' that eventually involves this hwcm name, again. Hehe.
  5. Hah? Sorry py, please let anyone post in peace. Already i have been accused of ffk'ing people, and now im supposedly deleting fellow playaz comments, dunno whats next. It's all cool dude, hit it only when someone carut-carut or something. This whole thing isn't something serious aight for everyone else to be moved aside, if all parties concerned come across each other also probably we'll have yumcha and sembang more. Yeah, Sahama what was it just now? I was away the whole time didn't get to read anything.
  6. I already said i wouldn't come out with anymore reply so forgive me cause i just did. I just want to make it very clear so everyone could get the whole picture. Takata you can just skip reading this post if it makes you sick. The fact is there's no such thing as 'unresolved issues' like pydrummer said as i only discovered this right when takata decided to brought this back just now. Firstly takata was refering to 1:18 1966 batmobile which everyone knows he opened for preorder. And way back i already have one for myself which i indeed got it from Singapore through someone's help but fact is i actually spent higher than his, feel free to confirm this with whoever you learned this from. The price which is cheaper and whatnot isn't an issue but if that's something everyone need to know, then yeah takata's stocks is in fact cheaper. But that's not the point, i need one more to rape (yeah, the 1:18) and fellow playa shown interest with but will decide if it's within his budget, and of course i've alerted this beforehand. He declined and so i went for one. End of story. And so the way story is spun, which again i just discovered moments ago, i actually declined cause i got another one cheaper. FFK. What the hell? Why didn't i rejected both takata's order and go for supposed cheaper then? You see, there's this a problem with this thing so called 'source'. In fact most of the problems ever arise in this Hotwheels thing are due to 'source'. Thing is no one lies, but its how the word travels. Put the word 'fact' in bold, put that bigger fonts as well of course it's true, but why half the story and further twisted as in i got it cheap after takata's preorder? Urging me to dump whatever i 'promised' to takata? And pydrummer let me put this clear as well, buying the second one is called a solution only if he understands the reason i offered to buy. When things doesn't sounds good, also like what i just found out he had a loss for keeping it, it might somewhat attributed to me. Then we find out best way to sort it out. But please, dont ever get an impression undercover felt guilty that i have to fork up more money to cover my as. Rightfully i could have just throw this aside and ignore this altogether. I tried to approach this as a fellow collector, but if people forever see this as buyer and seller thing then there's nothing more i could do, no wonder scalping is such a huge issue cause all of y'all are businessmen yourselves! Speaking bout 1:18 batmobile, you see there's in fact more to this. Apparently i've upset someone over this thingy too by "calling his things expensive". See, another huge misunderstandings that if only i could come out and clear it all. But maybe not in this thread, and no open arguments necessary at all if i had the chance i'll just show up and have pleasant chat with him, someone i had utmost respect for him. See, there's a reason i have to keep writing things in essay format. If i trim this any shorter will you guys fully understand?
  7. I came here just to point out HWCM got nothing to do with your problem, for you to imply it is all about the club. I'm not here to defend Shakz and Raymond either, it's you guys thing. But you took it to another level. So it's implied now that i had cheated people over certain deal. Fine then. You used the word "I CAN FORGIVE BUT I CANNOT FORGET". I'll do the same. Once the COD over (someone will help out cause i couldn't make it tonight) i won't have anything to do with you anymore. I come as a person who tried to sort things out which i could have just ignore it as it wasn't my responsibility at first place, but you probably see everything as nothing more than between a buyer and seller. For you attitude talks. Fine then. I won't be providing any essays or replying to this thread anymore, no positive talks could set things right. Pass the ball back to the mods. Goodnight.
  8. u get da CHEAPER frm Singapore, frm a collector(no name mention). & am very sure is after ur PO wif me. am not adding anything, only da fact. C u 2nite for COD, PO price. Precisely! I got 1 from Singapore which is MINE. That's what i meant by i already have 1, and the possible 2 from you is for the purpose having opening one and the other for my friend. Which i made it clear let my friend confirm whether if he's interested with, and which i clarify shortly after that i'll take 1 instead, and you nodded. And please confirm back with your 'source' that i paid rm200+ for it, which includes his tax and all. Which means i in fact got one pricier from him earlier and proceed for another one with you (which is in fact CHEAPER). So i am freaking at lost here how the hell it turns out to be "undercover ffk'ed takata cause he managed to get another one cheaper". Do you understand the whole story?
  9. People who dealt with me knows whenever i erred in something i'll still proceed if i made word it's reserved for me. E.g UCB is fussy dude he didn't specify precisely he's looking for minty mint but when it didnt turn out that way he would never say "hey i tak mau lah". Are you familiar with my mostly 'take loss' sales to 'replace' for my newly bought/traded stuff? I'll work out a way that there'll never be any win-loss situation, if only the other side bother to acknowledge me something not right is going on. So i'll tell you what. Now that i know, pass the 2nd batmobile today or tomorrow, we'll have a COD and i'll pay it. Is it alright for you?
  10. Now you're adding something. When the hell did i bought from another collector, that makes me holding 3 batmobiles cause i think everyone already know i already have 1 for myself before anything.
  11. glad u remember it. u DID take 1no out of 2nos u asked me to preorder! Duh! i did update making a change very shortly after mentioning 2 which i already made it very clear even before i made first order that the 2nd one is one behalf of another dude which never say he confirms it yet and i'll update ya his decision shortly. Unless in the last minute i say "eh don't want lah" then yeah that is called ffk. I did not confirm 2 at first place and furthermore i updated whether he wants or not pretty shortly after! And even if you already place order and it's not cancelable i never recall you stressing out to me that order's done i need to take 2. You can even say it loud with bold fonts here if you see bad trades coming. In any case i'll take 2 and help re-clear the 2nd unit. No problem there! I never know i'm on supposed bad trader alert until reading your post now. If you need me take it even now i'll just pay it and collect today, plain and simple.
  12. What? Now i'm at lost, FFK over which deal? Are you refering to 1:18 batmobile which i did take?
  13. Since takata dared people "only attitude talks", so i gave him one. Anyway some things are so simple, in eight's words a 'non-issue' to start with. You have any doubt, you share it here and let people concerned give their side of story and readers are wise enough to form their opinions. Ask anything, even things that somewhat seems controversial. Our mods don't blindly deletes as long as you don't cross the line. Why the need to keep harping on the word HWCM when the other 400+ names have nothing to do with. Even if you feels it's best that you no longer 'associate' yourself with the club due to 1 or 2 people behind it (of if you feel these 400 figure are the reason behind your t-hunts misery) you could have just leave gracefully like one of the earliest committee did, or express your desire here, confess that you're unhappy if you want, and a simple farewell for us to acknowledge. Why do you feel "I WILL LEAVE HWCM IF.." is something you need to put in bold and oversized fonts? I'll give one example of how simple things can be viewed differently once you get the idea. A fellow playa here used to mention in this forum (no he didn't complained about it but merely mentioning as part of discussion) he went to Carrefour Klang and spotted a case with '08 reg Mustangs inside. Now if you are the best know it all person it's so easy to connect the dots and figure out that's insider's stash he just saw. But the fact is undercover did personally spotted the pallete he's allowed go through, and picked one of each regs to compare and choose the best 5 out of all the varying tones (and a Super of course) and returned the whole remaining for the staff to place back on pegs. That's about it. But is this place after all 'clean' at that time? Of course it's not cause i once went there and the dude brought out 30 cases worth of cleanly raped cases with zero greens inside, but for some reason.. the one and only green already hanging on peg that the raider must have missed that time is a Super Custom Chevy. That is what hunting is all about. And when people mention Carrefour we knows the tendency of them ordering it in pallette, so sometimes it's fascinating to hear how playaz could do massive one shot scores like a pallette worth of GMC, 34' Fords, Torinos etc. And please mind that this was never 'HWCM' thing, it could be anyone. By any means, he can be lucky or by certain 'foul' ways whatsoever but that was least of my concern.. a fellow collector just had a great scores. But of course if it's one culprit who's doing it all along i would have figure out best way to be ahead of him. Dragging his name here and whoever he's 'associated' with and shoot him til no end would only be my last option (not to say we never do it). But the way it works, apparently every and every single 'incidents' must be none other than the 'club', yeah us HWCM'ers even if none of us were there at first place. Is it fair that i capitalize this forum to launch attack towards to these people who scores big, who i already know aren't a scalper or even t-hunt collector themselves to begin with? Perhaps all because it wasn't my 'gang' who captured these hunts? And please take note discussing about morality of hoardings and personal attacks are two different things. While you can have positive discussions bout the first, but the latter is something i really need to address out. I can brag that i don't need to go as far using having power over insiders to make sure none of the greens made it to peg, but that's not the point. I know this whole thing isn't related to Takata's real problem, but like i said it's something i've been keeping all along. You see, the infamous Shah Alam Giant is now having Race World thing. And there's some massive Chevroletor cases there. And do you know that my friend was actually there night before when the cases arrived and he witnessed himself the employee took out one and every single greens and carried them away. There's no 'the other side of story' of it, it's plain insider hoarding. You know how upset i was? But that's the reality of this Treasure Hunts thing. I can be a great 'detective' and track the culprits and all and then shout it all loud here, but it won't do any good. I'll probably separate collectors fanbase further, and most of them are probably someone i know personally. And to think that i myself had my great scores before, not one but few playaz here had their Super scores there too, even my non t-hunter friend grabbed one there for my birthday, perhaps it's time to look at the bigger picture.. anyone could pull it. I can keep talking about this til no end, but i do hope you guys could realize this whole thing whether it's greens or Takata's problem is never about club and whatsoever. I got pissed whenever i had to hear HWCM word being used over and over again. And sorry Takata if i offended you, anyway if you wanted to leave HWCM for good i wish nothing but the best for you. And one thing you need to know too, is whatever your suspicion about Friday night dudes are unfounded. No one is spreading "Takata is a bad scalper" and whatnot, i mean the point is who the hell doesn't sell a thing at few bucks more, that makes entire collectors out there guilty of it.
  14. And no one allowed to delete this thread cause the undercover has spoken.
  15. I am pissed. Not because of the issue, not whoever is right and wrong either. I am reading yet another typical post by unhappy collector. So, issues happened, unhappy collector should be unhappy, that is all fine as always. But there is this one thing that seriously, make me pissed. All of them who went all out just have to add the same ol phrase.. 'club'. Let me put it in a way everyone reading this can understand. DEMONICLE, RAYZ and whoever you sees fit DOES NOT EQUALS TO HWCM. HWCM is nothing more than a family of collectors who share same hobby of collecting hotwheels. You can be part of it, or you can just look at us from one side, or you may choose to be anti-hwcm whatsoever. Not in my knowledge HWCM is aggressively wooing collectors to join in, or declared whoever on the outside ain't a playa. Even if you have nothing good to say about HWCM any hotwheels collector is a fellow collector. I have utmost respect to whoever been in this Hotwheels thing, every Amcorp faces i get to know as matter of fact, even if they look down at us accusing HWCM people to be 'scalper' or believing we accusing them as scalper. Now, Demonicle started HWCM. A core team behind this thing, is obviously those who demonicle get to know personally, not like demonicle has the access to entire Malaysian collectors to see who deserves the most to be committees and whatnot. And to tell you the truth we look forward to have good playaz from all sides to help us make this happens. The committees. Sinclair and Boneshaker are not your "those hwcm people who ruin the scene by stealing our hunts". In fact the actual numbers of serious t-hunters in HWCM can be counted with fingers and whether they deserves to be called hoarders is up to individuals. We had fellow playa from JB (before demonicle ended up there). We had another from so called 'another side' appointed as committee too, for sole reason that he's a cool dude who knows his thing, although for some reason he longers feels us. I don't even have idea how some of the mods looks like, hell no one even knows how the hell pydrummer looks like except his hand. So do playaz like prabha who carries no 'title' but dedicated themselves in HWCM activities like no other members does. What im trying to say is the way it works this lil community happens because of people being just as passionate. NOT a bunch of people walking together in Amcorp who thinks they're cool cause they have a club. Unfortunately people just have to say this, "There.. HWCM people". So, in the event Demonicle or Rayz or the undercoverbrother decided to move on, they don't carry the HWCM with them. The club is here, the forum is still here for you guys to spam. Am i getting this very clear? Now, you have specific issue concerning HWCM like not getting the club car (yet), that's fine if you decided to air it out here. Although i can just say this thingy is as simple as single sms. But i dont consider this any 'club threatening' issue so let's move on. Demonicle, Rayz, Shakz. You have things that you're pretty frustrated, and it's not the first time. Understood. Let me just say that in some point it takes us committees too to have certain issues with each other. It could be silly or serious issues but almost all the problems arise goes away pretty quick because in the end it's so simple to figure out all of this is just plain misunderstandings. What if it's unsettled still? As i always said, look at the bigger picture. We have a club to look on, and some things are just not worth beefing about. Even if i learned fellow members got even smarter in huntings to the point my own chances are very slim. So what? I know takata will be annoyed with this spm post but i just need to let this get out of my chest cause i've keeping this for long, long time. This is not meant for just you, but whoever who just have no other word than 'club' to put the their blame on. To the point they just have to highlight 'Not for club members' in their ebay sales. When did Hotwheels scene became such political? War of words between individuals ain't a politic. When people starts seeing things as 'this and that side' that there is necessity to align yourself to either one then it's all politics. Why don't you just put your curse on particular members who raided 1U TRU (which somehow includes me) and leaves HWCM alone? Now go on shooting the names you mentioned. I'm done.
  16. Of course, finding angle is his thing.
  17. Art itu 1:1 kat belakang tu brand aper, Hot Toys?
  18. Yang peti surat tu still available? mint?
  19. Something interesting to share.. i wasn't there that time but this is what my friend told me. Yesterday evening my friend was having bak kut teh in SS14, basically it's right opposite SS15 across the main road (facing Metropolitan College), and all of sudden a drama just started outside the restaurant he went, some shouting and all which my friend tak berapa ambit pot at first, but later on the the whole bak kut teh place emptied so my friend also went out to check what the hell is going on. All he got to see is one Malay (or maybe Indon) surrounded by group of people, and that gang 'rembat' him good and proper. So after the whole thing ended my friend went and asked around, turns out that group of people was actually cops in plain clothes and that dude was car thief who's about to steal a BMW 7 Series parked there. How he just screwed himself ..because he tried to steal a BMW. You got inside without original car key, you'll never find your way out. The car locks itself. That dude got pwned. Hopefully his arrest can shed some light on the whole Subang car stealing thing.
  20. Err.. i won't provide any further comment on others sales.. all i can say what we could do maybe give him some idea that rm40 is err.. bit too high.
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