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Everything posted by kuih_tiow

  1. nice elgee...keep up d POS work when will this hummer arrive here...so late man...
  2. like a tag-team tapau c4 kepong nice haul kurz and cooolman...
  3. ^u rempit lar zint3k...so the wind can cool u down... ^eight , some more bikes can park at car parking while...
  4. wah...scary man...lucky hit the side of the road...
  5. nice man!! shorties+hummer+ ur classic collection or just bought it dude?
  6. loose-wheel , how much those HW holiday cars ?
  7. poor me elgee...didnt score any $uper for that Rockster. seems ausies wave is kindda mix wave is it?or old photo but just post? no worries zint3k...maybe some guys here sure got extra rockster to trade with you...hwcm all nice2 guys
  8. sooo fast sooo sexy renji!!
  9. eight , u drove bikes during hunting only... zint 3k , gojes hammer sled
  10. wah...lots of bikes u hav 8...
  11. nice score elgee...got it locally the rockster? now elgee turn to post $uper rockster
  12. ok kukubeh,i pray u score some more nice2 car
  13. smart yellow big louis DD bro addrick... nice blog too!!!
  14. hw modern classic card nice la...
  15. nice balik kampung haul kukubeh... got extra camaro?
  16. hahahaha..no lah zint3k here shortie the wave more more more faster than lc... but now..it is more more more slow wave compare to Malaysia...
  17. slow2 bro..later sure u score i oso dun hav red...mr eight got lots red...but i got black
  18. nice bikes you have there mr eight... my only bike..got it during promo pack
  19. nope mr eight i dont collect bikes i got one Airy8 bikes short card... if you interested/to complete your short card and long card i would happy to trade ( any carded i accept )
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