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Posts posted by netmatrix

  1. takata - Wow thats a lot of Mcqueens.

    marie - Those blinking eye cars just arrive here last month. I saw there are 3 versions of Mack trucks is it? 1 is the big premium one. One with just the front truck cab. And the other is a smaller one.

  2. Those guys at Business Week are definitely trying their luck at pushing out an automotive article. Sadly too many misses than hits.

    Here are some of my pot shots at them the Business Week magazine.

    - A toyota Prius was designed to have the lowest drag coeffeciency available. Its lower than any super car!
    - The Tata nano is Indias first attempt at making a cheap car. Stupid business Uweeekkk! didn't know that Tata have back orders for a few years. Demand is high. They are a buisiness mag?? hahahaha
    - Hummer. C'mon!!! Its a military vehicle remade into a street car. What do you expect? How much design revamp can you put on such thing?
    - Delorean. Business uweeekk! certainly did not know who Giugiaro is. All lat 70s' to 80s' supercars had his touch and influence here and there. These mag guys had better not be owning "any" lamborghini or else!!
    - Toyota liteace van. Its obvious they never really seen Asia. So they cloud everyone by saying its ugly. Well tell that to our pasar malam trader!!!
    - BMW 7 series. Why didn't they say the 5 was ugly? Oh yeah because they cannot afford the 7!!!
    - Toyota iQ. Do Business Uweekkk! even know what a car is? I rest my case your honour!!! They put this car last as their means to cloud us into believing them as defacto automotive publication!!! *puts website as proof* http://www.euroncap.com/results/toyota/IQ/347.aspx

    Well its a business mag and they only like cars that sells in bucket loads like Corolla and BMW 3 series!! What do you expect? Little wonder i call them Business Uwweeekkk!!!

  3. Today at Tesco. Saw a lady about (30 years old or less?) standing behind me. I was looking for cars i want. And she was going through racer series. But sadly all the nice racers already gone. But in my head thinking, is there a lot of female collectors like her? Is she quietly at HWCM for info to collect cars? Questions.... questions....

  4. T-Hunt greedy? hahahaha. They are so rare that being greedy is overrated. But greedy is, getting every same car from a place. Like recently go to 1 7E, haul up all DD, Gallardo, Mini, blah blah. Then not content, they go everywhere to take up the same cars. That is greedy. And then the story goes to what fuels this greediness.

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