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Posts posted by netmatrix

  1. Hi, pydrummer. Really appreciate the offer. But i'll stick to the yellow one and the racer red ones. If lady luck has it, i might land one under supernatural circumstances. Really appreciate ur guide to the location of probably the last red GTO in KL. hahaha. Never mind, i'm pretty happy with the maroon racer GTO.

    Quote :
    Supply and demand also plays an important role in getting Mattel restocking the shelves faster. If you have hoarders who quickly help clear some stock, it would help in getting new stocks in.

    This is true. But at the same time its creates a pocket where people who really wants "that" particular model, is left high and dry. No stock movement for the rest. Which also creates overstocking. Doesn't help here.

    Also was Fast Fish a wanted model? I skipped buying it for 1 week because i think no one likes it, and it was gone everywhere! Green and Red included.

    Anyway i just bought a Ferrari 5 pack at RM26.90 at Jusco Puchong. Strange that this is the only one priced like that on a rotating rack and the are many more on another rack that are priced RM32.90. Why ah?

  2. Well very good answers guys. Anyway how did you guys know it was an uncle with a pouch with a kid tagging along? Holy crap!

    Anyway i'm quite fed up, because everytime i go to dept stores or hypermarkets, there is always a guy with a cart, a basket or some sort with some large stash. Last biggest haul i saw was a guy with a cart hauling a LOT of tesco cars when it was selling at RM3. Almost half the 3 big boxes full went there. I hung around to see if he was promoter or not, but.....

    Hi pydrumerboy, i did check out your msg long time ago. But i still wanted to find it myself. But now, i'm the not so proud owner of 6 yellow GTO and 5 Racer series GTO. And the yellow one can still be found at CS. No chili but bananas. hahaha. One of the yellow one is going to be an Evoluzione.

    Well i'm not here to cause controversies or anything. Its just not like last time. I don't like the changes. The price, the lage influx of bulk buyers, the shops, yada yada.

    Anyway, i would probably stop again. Because i cannot get any feel for collecting anymore. It hurts somehow. I don't like that.

    Anyway, i'm not that crazy to flame my collection. Most probably be cataloged to my auto books and magazines. And then gather dust.

    Anyway i collect HW not because its the hottest car model like GTR. I want it because i could always say,"God damn! this is the car in my mag or book! So this is how it looks like!"

    Anyway i would not abandon HWC just yet. Anyway i'm cool with many things. Even gay people..... i'm not one la! You know its just some days, you just "putus fius" and then need to recharge battery. hahaha.

  3. The father did ask his son. And the son did say he didn't want because he already have. Father does not show a collector face, but merely HIS need to have it. If that father is a member in this thread, then read on. Please, your kid knows what he wants. If he doesn't then you should not bother having this hobby, because Trading cards games offer more returns. Yes its not my problem. I'm just waiting for it to be Your Problem. Which won't reflect because 20 year later you might have forgotten about it.

    I'm all over hoarders. A curse for them to be bankrupt is already laid. hahaha.

    Well it isn't turning as a hobby anymore. Not when u cannot get cars. People are changing too much these few years. And they say people generally. But what i see are parents changing the kids. And the kids grew up to be people you love to hate. 20 year old drives a 3 series courtesy of daddy-o. Lavish spending. Yet no idea how life goes about. Seeing this first hand you would say the same thing. They buy things without attachment. Soulless people really.

    I always thought rich kids buy expensive toys. Not HW cars because they do not match libido size. But that day, i see rich father teach kid being KIASU. Kudos to kid brushing off father. But hope kid is strong enough not to be swayed by father to KIASU'ism.

    Back to this hobby. Picked it up because i genuinely love cars. See my books, my computer pictures and details. I'm only part through history of cars. Now i'm all into Morgan cars. Hw collecting is a bonus really. One that i could do without. I think its probably a good time to quit because the people i want to get away from comes to haunt me. It has turned my hobby into hate/stress/mind numbing chore.

    I should have spend more time on my bicycle. I think the time is ripe for biking, kill a few motorcyclist and bury the 300 plus Hw & MBX cars i have. Hasta La Vista baby!

  4. I had to let this out. Its been bothering me for the last week. This happened 2 weeks ago. Specifically on Sunday at Parkson Sg Wang at 7++pm. I was there to look for some books in the vicinity of Times Square and Sg Wang. So stopping by dept stores to lok for cars seem ok. But i already know its not a good place to find cars. Not since 4 years ago. I was running through the MBX rack and hope to land some nice ones. Lady luck has it, i did!! Landed the elusive and hard to find MBX Civic Type R! And also a MBX 911 GT3! That made my day a little since i was dissapointed not to find some books i wanted.

    Then next to MBX range was HW cars. Doesn't look like much. But i did see a Surfin schoolbus. And i held on to it. I didn't really like this bus. The color is a put off really. Like a piece of turd. But it is heavy. And here automatically, the first thing that comes to my mind was, "Buying by the kilogram". I wonder why such an ugly thing would be in demand? Its appeal is only the weight. But i held on to it, still pondering to get it or not while sifting though the rack.

    Then came a kid and father combo. Which is ok as they started from right side as i was working from the left side. Midway through i was glanced by the dad of the kid on my MBX finds. You could almost smell jeleousy in the air. haha. By the time i reached the right side i decide to hang back the surfin schoolbus. Immediately the dad grabbed it and showed it to his kid. And you know what? The kid say he already have it. And this part is the best, the dad hung on to the bus. Looks normal? Think again.

    It is obvious the kid wanted new cars and not something which he already has. But the dad........ . So kiasu. I believe he wanted the bus because he "knows" its valuable because of its weight. But the kid isn't interested at all because he already have it. Thanks for teaching your kid kiasu'ism man. I'm sure if i put back the CTR and the GT3 the cars would be grabbed instanty by him. Rolling Eyes I believe he should let the kid decide what he wants and not screw him into believing this is valuable 10 years later. Parents should treat this as a hobby for their kids. Not stock market or antiques to trade or sell! There are enough such kind of buyers already!

    So in the end i came back still not feeling happy. Even though i have 2 hard to find cars. And then realise collecting HW is...... what hobby?

  5. The article posted by Peter is interesting. But its for majority of the toys made in China. So what has it got to do with the toys made in Malaysia and Thailand? Unless they are using hw cars as a means to cover up their losses for their other toy ranges. This makes sense. Just feed them more with usable data guys. The marketing reps inside saves a LOT of work seeking market info on demands and prices. He won't need to rack his brains come Monday meeting for sales projection.

  6. Well paanjang16, you do invest in a lot of toys. I don't. But i do have some toys i got from time to time. HW is a little prioritized at the moment. The pricing point is really a killer actually. When people stops buying, they cannot move the stuff and then here there is a cross roads. Hw can shift the stuff to some country or sell em cheaper. But we dunno the minds of the marketing people. All i could say is, all those tactics they use, its textbook stuff. So the times i spent reading that 200 page marketing book really paid off. There are a lot of traps being laid to make you buy.

    About TF toys, should know the price increase. When the trailer for the movie first appeared last year. You can actually smell price increase. Look at how aggresive Hasbro is pushing TF toys now. My biggest concern now, is landing a ticket for the movie with my buddies. hahaha.

    And Nerf? I think its an updated pistol toy. Not my scene. So is any form of weapon based toys. I just dunno why i'm not atracted to guns. But i like swords though. hehehe.

    So could we say this weird tag line? "When the buying stops, the price raising stops". Errr.... kinda weird. hahaha.

  7. Its the same with the rice scandal last year. Where did all the rice go? Early last year i can buy a hgh quality 10kg rice at slightly more than 30 bucks. Which is still expensive as there are a lot of brands and "taste" that cost RM20 or more. But when the so called "shortage" happened, the same pack of rice shot up to more than 50 bucks! What happened?

    Then i got the same brand early this year and guess what? The rice doesn't taste the same at premium price of RM39. And from my old folks point of view, they were "old" rice. So they actually kept the stocks and wait for the price to go up. Which is the same that is happening with Mattel.

    Material cost went up? Metal prices are very low now. Mmore than 50% less than it was late last year. Did you know how many lament the losses they had to bear early this year from buying high and selling low? That are people who are manufacturing stuff from metals! How could Hw cars cost more when prices of metal is low? Unless Mattel stock piled metal with high prices from middle of last year. That would explain a lot why we have to pay more for it.

    So the thing now is this. Thsi year we pay RM6.50 for a car. How about next year? I assume Mattel bought another pile of metal to produce cars that are cheap from this years price right? So could we get our cars at RM3.90 again?

    Can we make a roadmap of pricing by mattel? Yes we can!

  8. Well i kind of understand why he put such high price. He did indicate that these are from one of mattel staff collection. Could be a factory worker or a designer in mattel. Like history would repeat inself over and over again, factory prototypes and one off cars would feth very high prices. If you have a large complete piece of uncut backing cards it would cost a lot too. Its a niche market.

  9. There is one problem i have collectors here. When you write letters to Mattel what do you expect? Most of the letters focus on hoarders. Wouldn't that raise a flag that they know you would pay high prices for these cars? I know i would.

    Then you write about how the stocks never seem to come at this and that place. This would effectively tell them, that you would pay money for it, even if they hold the stocks back for 3 months and release it all at once.

    Hey you know what, i would say the collectors/ hoarders deserves such predicament. Sure i might sound harsh, but in fact, it is everyone here that drives the market and not Mattel themselves. Remember, some here wrote to them and actually let their marketing dept. exploit the information about their grouses.

    When i started, i could get cars at JUSCO for RM2.90 at promos. RM4.90 normal price. The coming year cars would arrive at December 3 years in a row. Just last year the price went up. I would not blame the economy much. But the people who actually tell Mattel where they could exploit customers.

    If you think i'm harsh, wait till i give you this fact. We could deliver a package 1000 miles in less than a week. The Hw cars are made in Malaysia and Thailand. Yet they take 1-2 months to hit the shelves. You can say they ship the cars overseas first. But c'mon, Mattel guys know they will always get rid of the cars easily nowdays. Even at RM6.90. It dissapeared even at RM6.50. Isn't that a hint they are holding buyers at the balls?

    I'm not stressed out that i cannot get T-hunt at all. I'm not concerned much about the price because i'm not completing 300 cars a year including variants. I'm more concerned i cannot get the basic cars i want.

    I'm not blaming everyone here. But merely i think a lot about the consequences from an action everytime.

    That all i have to rant.
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