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Everything posted by RGSUKAN

  1. mak andeh punya tanak kacoo....huhuhu
  2. bro, lesney got volvolaaa..old model, dark green colour, dunno new wave or what..check out your parkson bro...


    superb job there bro....hehehhee.. ...
  4. kenotlerrr....hari raya is coming summore...have to simpan bullet...
  5. perghhh..tak terkejo yoppp.......
  6. here i got custom dodge van get into blister...
  7. at last, able to post my latest haul here..
  8. apasal tak pakai spenderje...hahahhaa
  9. pity that hando DD weii mushr00m bro wooo.....need to restore like this
  10. im wishing that you give me that on this thursday...huhuhuh
  11. wow..i dont have that many for DDs..superb collection..
  12. cesssss..i want this...hehehe Spoiler: i know, it will be my sayang one soon kan?..hahhaa
  13. wow DTC...mau..mau..mau...
  14. mushr00m - aku punya kubang ejos macam kecik, ko punya beso, aku nak yeng beso...huhu
  15. directje beb..takde pusing pusing punya...hehehhe
  16. warghhhhh...nak jugak fire rod....
  17. asal civic yang aku takde...hahahhaa
  18. ijau yang manatu...macam nakje...hahahhaha
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