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Everything posted by RGSUKAN

  1. Hi guys/gals.... long time no post my haul..a bit late, i know most of us got this ady, but haul pics must share sharela...haha.. TFL
  2. lama dah tak mistery..hehehe


    sure tak masuk Malaysian market....
  4. patot la muka dia ketat jer......hahaha....... ilek ar, Pis......... takpe..aku berjaya mencilok TH panel malamtu sebelum wildspirit cilok dulu..hahahha
  5. i like...but without RR..ermmm..ermmm...
  6. wahhh...one nice haul..congrats...jelesnya aku...huhuh
  7. me like it..congrats to Ampang fellas and all HWCM members....
  8. one good haul there bro....the civis si is a gem..wehoooo
  9. pergi beraya ke simpang waha, akupun nak ketawa..hahahahhahahahha
  10. no problem bro..gambo dah upload, just paste aje..hehehe
  11. i admit it..a $uperb haul ther...congrats
  12. its ok nick, take your time..thanks... hahahahhaa
  13. I have some of them, but from the Red Box I have almost all of them, the black boxes just a few, they are a LOT !!! Thanks for your coments, greetings from CHile, Nick & Son Co. ..pics?
  14. man, you really loves muslecar...you're muclemania too ya?...
  15. thanks for the comments. So far..i only got this 3 only!! no worries, nanti beranaklatuuu..hehehe
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