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Everything posted by RGSUKAN

  1. ^ nice gsx...love em very much...its a bonus for you to get the colour variant atomkinder..
  2. muka pun macam BS .......wakakaka!!! its true..the BS front grill is hassan's face...hehehe
  3. wei....ratbomb is used for terminate rat and mouse/micelah..if not got penyakit kencing tikus, who wanna cure..bone shaker ahhh?...lucky what got ratbomb.. bone shaker untuk sakit menggigil la.. malam rendam dalam air suam pastu pagi minum.. musti baiknyer... kalau nak lagi cepat ko telan bs tu sebijik.. apa sakit smua hilang dgn nyawa2 pun gone skali.. amin... wahhhh itu BS poisontu....ko minum dulula...kalo ko ok, aku minum kalo ko ko...aku doakan kesejahteraan ko jela ...hehehe
  4. wei....ratbomb is used for terminate rat and mouse/micelah..if not got penyakit kencing tikus, who wanna cure..bone shaker ahhh?...lucky what got ratbomb..
  5. wah...non stop score nice cars...congrats bro....
  6. hah? sure or not? or is it kena con? thats mean new wave sudah masukla bro...crazy ahhhhhh...2 new wave at a time..good sign..
  7. waaaaaa...i want 56 merc..... nice haul man...
  8. wow..nice packard with white wall wheels...
  9. ratbomb wave do come with K&N. oh really?? thanks bro kukubeh for clearing the doubt!! wahhhh..well, ratbomb wave really got so many nice stuff...ratbomb itself sudah da bomb...kebabooooo
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLISSKERTZ.. hope dapat haul lagi banyak hot wheel macam selalu....hehehe.. @ devil l28 - happy birthday too..hope to see you here more often..cheers
  11. kekekeke..drama queen ek..wekk rg, dua2 drama kuat. R34 tu diorg buat fridge magnet jer..kekeke tula pasal... if not fridge magnet, key chain it is...hehehee
  12. this one really nice...cannot tahan...i soooo one 1
  13. wow..so many ectos...sure projek masyuk one...hehehe
  14. wahhh...nice new haul bro....congrats...
  15. kekekeke..drama queen ek..wekk
  16. wahhh...what wave is this? really nice...
  17. cool...nice cool one and pics too...
  18. kekekkeke..your avatar really looks marvelous, phewwwwittt..kalah your haulla bro....
  19. aku tak skodeng...orang rela hati tunjuk punya...sexy wooo awwwwww....
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