hahahahaa... YES..... Completed... Received some stuff from the bay yesterday, and look what the seller ROAK me.. after all these trades... Now.. I have this... To make these.... Completed 2010 TH.
hehehe.. Wish my company would send me back to the States for training.. Probably 3 weeks would be good? ahahhaa... yeah.. jealous of those redneck when i was there...
Don't think so.. I think there is a mixture between the Cadillac and the GTX wave.. Baja Bug waves which I remembered came with the Enforcer, didn't realised on the other cars.. but probably someone can clarify them...
Wow.. what a beauty... are those rubbers or plastic wheels? anyhow, nice info there prabha.. While in the States, saw those long trucks of them passing thru the highway...