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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. thanks atom...! those info bring back lots of my old memories... "sixty million dollar man"... "space 1999"(my favourite ) and..the hulk!!
  2. ..with "hotwheels" tampo and same wheels......
  3. huh?? convoy custom Helang?? Hmm..maybe..maybe! No harm on give it a try!!
  4. thanks prez!! i learn it from u..the : ilmu batin "kekerasan"!!
  5. thanks Sahama! I am using slightly better hp than yours one!!
  6. sori bro! Not my intention to poison everyone! If i dont..some else will do it...too!! mine not consider poison lah....! Someone got more greater CC than me! Mine ciput only!
  7. he..he! glad u like it bro! That convoy on a hauler is my custom...err .. i mean custom "picture" only!
  8. nice stuff there...BUT i cant take it..no moo..........!!
  9. AWESOME!! BRAVO!! Superb great custom works!! Me likey it all!!
  10. look like wheel error to me! NIce custom work bro!!
  11. aikk..how come got so many error casting??? Nice one...mushrOOm!! Me likey it too!!
  12. huh!! nice to have 3 BS in hand!! one keep carded...one to loose & one for trade!!..Thats the way of real collectors!
  13. fuh!! new BABE on the block!! me love the Theme Song!!
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