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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. told u...look nice in loose! loose the convention one..bro!!
  2. HUH!! pink beetle!! Cantek sekali!!
  3. one great haul..artt! Pls...show some more!!
  4. fuyoh!! Great collections of DB u have there..bro!! Btw...u accept ringgit malaysia?? cuz all shown the $g dollars!
  5. thanks!! and in return....choose wat u like here..also!!
  6. gd afternoon..guys!! back in action..muhahahahaha! still blue..but 1/2 blue...
  7. RG mesti meleleh saw this green DD!! kau nak kan??
  8. oiitt!! hibrenate for some time ady....YES.now its time to show ur $uperb haul...bro!!
  9. Now have to reduce hauling man, new wave is coming....how to reduce agree wit sahama...! reduce hauling & keep some $$$ to buy a high spec camera (20 meapixels)..so all the member tak sakit mata when saw ur posting pics!!...!
  10. arrgh!! Shelby $uper & reg!! mane dapat ni?? Local? ady hit the store?? Congrats!
  11. ur paint job always look great!! Really love this one!!
  12. ciss!! siut!! korang buli sama gua ya..... nah ambik yg ni dulu.............
  13. ko jangan wow wow aje altezza..ko punya garage ko tak update lagi...kalini aku plak nak wow kat ko...hehehe agree wit u..RG! altezza punya koleksi lagi dahsyat le! sure fainted when he post it!!
  14. wow!! cantek lah! now..another kind of element ....still black but with double team up...muhahaha..........
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