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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. fuyoh!! Tu mahal leh!! I cant afford that! Stick to my old lady!!
  2. i dont have any of that! But now i know bout the scale!! Thanks for the info!
  3. as i expected! Its kustom DB! Hail to the hauler king. ! Only Sahama can do this.
  4. fuyoh!!! Hassan really KERAS in hauling!! Congrats dude!! One nice haul!!
  5. ahaha!! Now Bettle become VW helang ady!! woohoo!! NIce try..dude!!
  6. kustom city???wow!!! Faster open it!! Must be the Drag Bus..right??
  7. nice GT collections u have there bro! Yup the new GTX1 did look far more better than the regular t-hunt ..BUT..not the $uper !!!
  8. thanks! Err..u still need evo meh?? Think u have more of that casting than i can imagine!!
  9. he he! Sooner...u will get it bro!! YES! Know u can do it!
  10. think is everyone favourite casting.. ! Thanks for looking!!
  11. not boronglah bro!! Jus get some wanted casting only. he he! Yes...part of the bullets gonr ady!!
  12. haiyo!! me cant be the master hauler lah! Its must be u or Sahama only!!
  13. tenkiu!! Err..i tak rembat lah...i bidding!! so..u also looking for those dragdemons..too?? offer me!
  14. memang cantek!! Btw..u have both the white & green..right???
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