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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. ..as u wish..altezza.........black oiittt!! wat take u guys so long?????????? Faster!! counter back!! muahahahahaha!
  2. tak nak sotong....i prefer roti & kopi o...again!
  3. no worry....KING go rest now... now..soldier keluar....
  4. my place also got lot of simpang empat leh!! So..u r from which state??
  5. Look like real blood leh!! Nice effect!
  6. fuh!!! These R34 look totally amazing with those matching tampo!! look nice! Great job...Cham!!
  7. Thank you Chee. PM mean onli nite can ask member for help? I not sure. Nite time ask help maybe make them think off other think. After many hand how? I can not accep lor. helo! : : ..PM mean = Private Message..them..NOT the one u thinking leh..sis!! Err..wat u mean by many hand?? !Jus think positive or straight...dont bengkang bengkok one..ok!!
  8. no worry sis!! Got few customizer & modifier in our HWCM here! PM them..sure they will give u a helping hand!!
  9. let it be ciput or not..BUT its one great haul..dude!! Congrats!
  10. he he!! Know its bit late on showing these convoy custom here..cuz lots of playa ady have it in hand and more than wat i have here! ...but better late than nothing.... updated: 17/12/2010: carded & in protactor pack... huh..hah..LOOSE IT..of course! and believe me guys....must loose it to feel the grab! ..and toying around .... Spoiler: thanks for looking!!
  11. BS with initial berlambak there?? Here also berlambak ady...BUT not on the peg!!
  12. wow!! Cantek!! if only those matchbox can be found here!!
  13. wah!! Great RAOK from Sinclair!!! awesome & great stuff there!! The Bone Shaker caught my attention the MOST!! COngrats to u..mushrOOm!!
  14. ..think artt will "BANG: his head at the wall!!! arrgh!! btw....nice haul..Yu5h!! Memang one of the great kaki CIVIC form the 3 CIVICseketer..after "ARTT & ADRRICK"!!
  15. another great "ALAMAK" haul from PY!! waiting to see another alamak haul from u ..again!!
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