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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. nicely done! Love the colour combination!!
  2. masih belum sampai tahap tu! hanya pandai memutar DD aje!!
  3. waktu gua study mane ade "geografi??? "Ilmu Alam" leh yg ade!!
  4. rg: he he! u favourite colour & casting..right?? e-bay bro!!!or u can check this lnk...http:cen.da.wan.com!!
  5. sure mushroom will get the "TATA" or "MAHINDRA" casting from our friend in India!!!
  6. wah! Malaysia Boleh!!! Really proud of it! Maybe later we can sing the song "TELUR-TELUR KU...DA DA DA"!!!
  7. lots of "convoy Custom" & Thunder roller" on the road!! Think that "wal-Mart " truck must be loaded with full of HW casting inside it!!
  8. look interesting ur display there! Think u need more & more space for this "space eating" toys!! ahahaha!!
  9. wah!! Lots of mini..dude!! Me likey the most...that mini with "tiger" tampo one!! Any extra to spare???
  10. NIce one bro! Me yet to get this carded Lambo Roadster!!
  11. lol! I am not better than u!! everday work till 2 .30 am! Haiz!! Life hard & family to support!! And to support my hotwheels collections..too!
  12. ur collections keep growing fast!! Congrats dude!!
  13. oitt! Ni bukan sekadar cendawan je! Ni cendewan beracun punya humble haul. Congrats bro. Got some cars that i need it badly.,bro.
  14. fuh!! RG haul...Really Ganas Haul!! wah!! got $uper somemore!! RAOK punyakah??
  15. huh?? Got white also?? Seem that me "ketinggalan zaman" lol!! sound nice "black or white" ...MJ song!
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