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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. arrh! Red BS with rubbers !!! NIce one Hassan!! Can i have one??
  2. damm! Lots of $uper in ur hand ..dude!! Brutalistic..Still avaliable???
  3. dont play with fire..dude!! But..i have to show one also...
  4. what? an uncle wanna grab from your hand? .... fuyoooo...i cant imagine if that happen to me... ..solution: BITE HIS HAND!!
  5. memang cantek! BUT..wait till u saw the "black" one!!!
  6. congrats! Me score no GTX1 till now!!!
  7. dem!! Look nice & so tempting!! Thanks for sharing...bro!
  8. wow!! great job dude!! Look like u got a lot of sponsership base on the tampo on the car!! Me likey it! Remind me of this year Talladega t-hunt tampo!!
  9. betul - betul hao lio punya haul!! Tabek!!!
  10. nowdays...all the members r Keras-keras belaka!!
  11. wow! Nice effect!! This one a must get!!!
  12. my supper last night... .."BETUL-BETUL SEDAP"!!!
  13. oit.. print the decals and do you own la... no need to buy... ekekkee.. if you do 1pc, do for me also.. ahahhaa haiyo..me not customizer lah! Even dont know how to wheels swap! Must ask Hassan how to DRILL!!!
  14. oiit!! kalah lah gua!! Change element now...."Silver"........
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