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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. great batmobile with thousand of combination!
  2. fuh! nice one ..Sinclair!! any loose pics of that car??
  3. "sawadee CUP" haul!! great tiny haul!! Congrats lol!!
  4. mw wan the BATMAN BATMOBILE..and of course..the t-hunt...too!
  5. so fast..????? this 2011 t-hunt dayum nice!!but the price damm mahal!!
  6. nice haul there..xebec! Love the combination of the F100 & shelby!!
  7. wow!! Speechless when saw this type of haul!! Congrats on the massive greenies haul!!
  8. thankd bro! glad to know that u like it! will update more photo..soon!
  9. pengsan!! yet to get one of those..now came out with 3rd colour ady!!
  10. wah!! new 2011 casting!! got nice tampo too!!
  11. wah!! new 2011 casting!! got nice tampo too!!
  12. Master hauler at works again! Dahsyat leh!! 5 t-hunts!!Congrats!
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