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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. oiitt...where's the same element??? org dah sampai yg pink le!!
  2. black....err pls dont show the Brazil convention Fastback...again..pls!!
  3. nope! i none fish n chip man..jus collect some only!! and n troble at all! Sharing is caring..eheheheh!
  4. yup!! manage to get those with the help of sme members!! Thanks!!
  5. thanks!! Mystery car ?? Of course it have its own house....mix with the rest of others mystery cars!!
  6. thanks bro!! Not my poison too..But jus can't resist it!!!
  7. superb & very nice detailing!! THis most cost u a BOOM!!
  8. "kalau takut diracun oleh mushrOOm..buatlah tak tahu aje & jauhkan diri dari 'sales thread" nya!!
  9. this one a must to have!! Congrats bro!
  10. very clear & NOT blur pics.... same casting.........
  11. wow!great job done! u never fail to surprise me with ur custom work. keep it up bro.
  12. wheels............. sori for double click! Moderator..pls remove this comment! Thanks!
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