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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. huh!! Nice one!! Will it hit our shore?? Hmm..waiting!!
  2. me got only one c.convoy..now comes the thunder rollers..aiyakk! Pokai too!
  3. wah!! u really got the 69 camaro..ah?? !! Nice!!
  4. no, you should born arab, then all your collection are 1:1 not 1:64, muahahaha!!!! ....Sheikh Chee Keng Hong.... ..if so...then i reward u a"FERRARI 599XX" 1/1!!
  5. of course..the hotter, the better..ooops not just better.....the best..... Lala also nice ishhhh..kerangni lain bang....lagi sedap...tengok, hassan pun dah hilang, pekena kerang basahlatu agaknya..diatu bukan boleh tahan sangat, nak sedap aje...hehehe jap lagi dia dah puas makan..dia masukla baliktuuu....
  6. make sure u add up some chili padi to the "tonite kerang" b4 having it!!!
  7. nearly miss this thread update!! Nice custom Nissan Z...bro! and good luck on ur customise business!!!
  8. Lots of money...lots of free times...so buying those 1/1 super cars to toys around!! Demm..i should have go to arab!!
  9. ehehehe! Every hotrod favourite dish!!
  10. will more nice if add up some tampo the the van....or jus simply put the word "HRKC"..and that will be our HRKC club car!!!
  11. "ICE BELNDED OREO" ......my cafe most recomended ice blended!! .....danielH miss this!!
  12. i love donut!!! Big Apple?? u try the sushi donut from BIg Apple?? Taste good..man!! But..mahal le!!!
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