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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. Wah!!! Congrats on the superb haul!!!! All r very nice!!
  2. hoi..i tak rebut - rebut lah!! Jus try my luck!! Who know...later mushrOm pass it to me??
  3. eh, you got one TH$ already, still nak lagi??? hehe, i also want.. oit.. I got onlt 2 TH$ BS.. I give to each of you la... don't gaduh2..... but have to wait till I'm bored of it la... now? not yet la... anyway, both of you are great BS customizer mah... no use for the TH$.. ehhehe pass it to me..! Iam not customizer!!!
  4. JB?? Mane ada Lucky Charm kat JB?? E-bay le...bro!!
  5. WOW!! So many $uper!!! Sembelih....jgn tak sembelih!!!
  6. Nice wheels u r using !! "Firestone"!!
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