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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. Yeah!! Jus save & print the pic..and bring along when go for hauling..sure can score $uper!!!
  2. very very interesting error!!!
  3. at last...at last... with my LUCKY & CHARMS...i manage to DRAG this BUS into my DB collections!! .weeeeeeee!! Err..loose it or not??
  4. up to u bro!! mana- mana pun boleh!!! Jus make sure u use the pisau toreh..not pen!!!
  5. WAH!! This one look more nicer than the HW $uper Camaro!!!
  6. drooling....man!!! How bout the classic one?? Faster!! mane saya punya???
  7. This is my most favourite casting in SM series beside the c6r corvette.... ....FORD GT LM.....
  8. This one really nice!! With red line tires!! Exclusive...and its RLC!!!
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