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Posts posted by Atomkinder

  1. musclemania wrote:
    Another related issue shared by JJ staff on a "passionate" collector:
    A customer wore Mattel uniform and got into Store of particular JJ outlet. He got all the nice cars (which are so called reserved/kept by staff there) paid and left. His picture was circulated to Mattel and JJ staffs of the outlet.

    Yayaya! It happened before at Mid V too. Must catch them with your cameras.

  2. Went to Isetan Mid V after lunch today and this is what I saw...

    FOUR Reg & ONE $uper Torpedo Tucker 2011.
    It's gotta be some insider saving up for scalper to collect but left untaken and probably a new sales person took it out for display.
    There's hardly any 2011 cards left but 5 Thunts card suddenly appeared?
    Scalper's lost, my benefit. Oh what a sweet day... it's feels great when this happens.

    I took what I wanted and left the rest there. So, go go go!

  3. Okay, I didn't know about this promo happening at
    Mid V Lower Ground floor itself until today.
    There's some racing promotion going on I didn't bother to ask further because
    I'm pissed off with the sales personals there.

    When I saw this promotion going on, I was excited to see it at first.
    There was a Racing track and also hot wheels cars for sell. I asked the young sales person,
    how long was this promo at Mid V? She said on Monday.
    Then she further said "Alot of people came and we sold two boxes already"
    I looked at the cars displayed stand and at the bottom where it is covered,
    I saw some cars, RX7, 350z etc... I took it out and asked how come this is not displayed?

    They replied..."Oh this ones other people reserved already"

    Come on man, I told them you can't do that or I will report to Mattel. And I walked away.
    Whadda Hell man.
    There's only so much HW collectors at Mid Valley...

  4. pydrumerboy wrote:
    Aiya, dun you start la, haha, I dont come because I dont want to come, personal choice. But even if I dont come or attend, I am still very much part of the hotwheels community especially here.

    oic, no fun with out u maaa

  5. Just want to rant about the HWC dinner.
    I believe it would all go smoothly 99% but the 1% spoils it.

    I was mad.

    Mad because because there's a thief among our community.
    And it's a major cancer.
    What kind of heartless person who wants to steal during a wonderful
    ceremony of happiness?
    People like that wants to destroy peace and mind you,
    in this world there's karma.
    You can get away now, but you can't when you meet your judgement.

    Dunia ini ada balasan tau?

    I don't want to bring this up again but i'm just thinking of next year.
    Because people like these are opportunities, they will strike again.
    I really feel for wildspirit, I think he handle it well where else I would have freaked
    out and screamed murder.

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