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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. Cool bro. Enjoy the collection but ignore "those". It will be more than meet the eyes; reservation, insider, link (family/friend/relative/buddy work in the retail), book first pay later, etc. sort of things. No "right" or "wrong" at those but just a matter of "tactic" and "intention" Ooppsss...seems I'm talking like sifu UCB, LOL
    Conventional way; hunt more, right time right place & luck (friend/family's help, and so on...) you will be the happiest man when getting the part from the fresh box or hanging on the peg on a particular wonderful day.

  2. danielh: no problemo. hope to pass to u tis Fri nite at Subang Mc D then. prepare to fly to Tokyo, yeah hu!!!
    sahama: Malaysia boleh!!!
    Atom: For international card, there is (I have both variant). I think short card shall have the same wheel variants.

  3. You're right, Net. But, due to time limitation, sapu-ed less, had not explored the whole area of Akihabara-Electric street. Japan shops close at 8.30pm. I reached there by the time at 6pm+.
    My luggage was only 5kg in addition compared against the first day arrival, I have 5kg more to stuff actually. 20kg MAX luggage weight.

  4. Thanks all.
    Basically, I sapu-ed almost 90% of the HW stock at 2 shops there. The shops at that particular area not sold many HW. Mainly for vehicles, Tomy is the most popular. I could not even find Matchbox.
    I only had 2 hours for the shopping...too bad. If only I have more time, hehehe...perhaps...well, "next time", hahaha.

  5. My crazy Japan haul-Part 1-non HW:

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