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Everything posted by musclemania

  1. Tikus? Bukanlah, beruang la.
  2. Eager to know the other Lesney cars in the same wave
  3. That is tempting, which CARS is that? So far, I had been to 2 Disney stores; 1 at HK airport and another 1 at Shanghai but these 2 outlets did not sell the individual car...
  4. I'm wondering if that was happened to every collector, then there will be no more cars on peg because the staff keeps everything
  5. Yeah, Atom... For the father, it is meaningless to cry over the spilt milk now...that will leave him the WORST EXPERIENCE of the entire life. Another similar case happened where a mum locked the car with her children inside where she went to withdraw $ from ATM. Then, somebody broke into the car and drove the car away. But, luckily, the car was found finally where the children were unhurt. Same goes for fetching kids to and fro kindergarten and any other occassion where parent / care taker / etc. are advised never leave the kids inside the vehicle. Irregardless of any important issue, we shall always remember and care our love one, the most. NEVER EVER FORGET them, same goes for our parent, spouse, siblings, close friends, etc.
  6. A similar case happened last month where a so-called drug addict father left his toddler inside his car from midnight till afternoon the next day. He supposed to bring the toddler out together to buy baby stuff but it happened that he only remembered to bring back the baby stuff home and went to sleep after that. How about the toddler??? People tend to forget things...but, this is a "HUGE price to pay" for the consequence. Great lesson learnt.
  7. Owww...continue raba-raba Sinclair's hotstuff, oopppsss...dragster...Probe Funny Car again.
  8. Whenever there is demand, there will be supply. Chain reaction.
  9. Forgive but don't forget, hahaha. Some are collecting TH, why not? Again, individual preference. Same story will happen to either - TH - Arkham Asylum Batmobile - '69 Mustang or so on the list of favourite casting goes, where "those ppl" think those casting are valuable.
  10. Thanks, guy. Here, I need to take the opportunity to openly apologize (again) to a "member" who I had initially planned to sell to him but intermittently, I got poisoned with dragster and I have decided to keep it. Luckily, he forgave me...
  11. If I encountered the same scenario, I will request the staff to bring out the Super/Reg for review. Once those are on my hand, I will ask him, EITHER seeing the Manager / Security with me or let me go to counter to pay in retail, without any extra charge.
  12. Arkggghhh...hard to find a good tampo white 2011_HW Racing_'67 Chevelle SS 396.
  13. Had a chat with a friendly staff at JJ Queens Bay Mall. He told me that 1) an uncle always goes there hunting for green. Even the TH cars are arranged within the stack of cars inside the glass cabinet (please refer to Jaya Jusco Queens Bay Mall, Penang thread), he also could spot it. 2) some customers did call up to some of the staffs there to pay tips to keep GREEN but the staffs ignored them. The staff requested them to come to JJ more often. GREAT job, thumbs up! 3) there is a customer, working as architect at KL always went to this outlet during meeting at Penang to shop for cars. BRAVO to this collector for the passion!
  14. Thanks. Just a normal Olympus digi cam which is almost going to "end of life", borrowed from my sister, hahaha.
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