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Posts posted by Yao

  1. Nrik Kueh wrote:
    It is something i am ashamed of... Been to alot of department stores and a handful of parents always giving me that wtf look...maybe they're wondering why a guy of my age is browsing/buying through the rack of toys made for kids..

    But who cares, it's my hobby. Not to mention it's fun...specially finding a model that you really like or is hard to find.(Or maybe...both.)

    I would just look at the kids with the impression "Buzz off kiddo', I've got some hunting to do... SHOO~!"

  2. hokuan wrote:
    Parents will surely nag when we student bought these much Razz My dad would say that I'm wasting money buying these, but after that he will look at the car and enjoy the details.

    Your statement reminds me of another classical quotes from my parents: WHY DO YOU KEEP BUYING? THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME...

    Maybe I should bring back my Superbirds to let them have a look... Suspect

  3. I always get the sticks from my parents... What a Face

    During a previous school break, I used one luggage to transport 150 carded cars back home. When I opened the luggage once I reached... dad, mom, and younger brother were on site. I have never seen such huge eye balls... lol!

    I suppose those who have younger siblings know what it's like right? When you get the sticks, you siblings will add some "catalyst" to the mix... Parents would say "so this is how you have spent your pocket money?" and the sibling would say "YALAH~ HAIH~~ HAIH~~" while shaking the head... lol!

    The best part was... on that night while I was uncarding the 150 cars in order to put them on my display cabinet, my mom came and said: So late yet you still don't wanna sleep? Do you want me to help you uncard those cars??? ShockedShockedShockedlol!lol!lol!

    Lesson learned... never show your parents the amount you bought although they know you always buy these things...

    Another classical case came during the CNY break... whenever we passed a 7-Eleven my dad will ask: WANNA STOP BY AND HAVE A LOOK?? while mom will do her trademark "HAIYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"...


    Deep inside I know parents are quite supportive of my hobby and they have never teased me in front of house guests and relatives... it's as if my Hot Wheels cabinet is invisible to them... lol!

  4. RGSUKAN wrote:
    Yao wrote:
    My collection is 100% loose but I have one extra yellow Bird still carded but not mint.

    how do you keep all your loose cars bro? put it on display rack?

    90% are at home displayed over 2 cabinets. My muscle cars are starting to consume one of the 2... means family photos and memorabilia will have to shift... What a Face

    10% are here with me in my Singapore hostel. Carded ones are stacked beside my clothes while loose ones are kept inside extra cabinet drawers.
    Going to get a display cabinet soon... now I'm concerned about how to move them once I rent a place outside... ShockedShockedShocked

    Anyway, I will shift most back to home when I balik kampung. Very Happy

  5. I used to have the blue First Editions ages ago... back then I was a Hot Wheels player, not a Hot Wheels collector... looking at how much that one costs now (on eBay) really hurts... Sad

    I'm not a huge fan of the bus. If I were to get one, the First Editions would be it for nostalgia...

  6. Another box arrived this afternoon during lunch time!

    The box alone made me hungry...

    Free air bags even~ lol!

    Yes, I can never get enough of the Superbird!

    I am starting a new craze here for the Thunderbolt...

    Actually, I thought this was the HW Performance Bel Air, only to realize that is a '57 while this is a '55... =="

    What do they all have in common? Buatan Malaysia and we have to import them back here! MadMadMad

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