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Posts posted by Yao

  1. okay, here's what i got from the $ales...

    can you see the kereta misteri?
    there were 2 Anglia Panel but didn't grab since not collecting this casting


    not as big as i predicted but a heaven for bargain hunters nonetheless...

    CORPORATE SPY! affraidaffraid

    ...found these at popular @ IMM. i never knew the truck came in red.

    i spent most on ferrari racers... they cost only $3.00 per piece and are the ones i had plan to get from ebay... tongue

    ...assorted ones from the very old series. well, most items there were from as old as 2003...

    the nova with the huge hood scoop. i really love this casting.

    mopar! cheers

    mopar again! cheerscheers

    kereta misteri went for $3.00 too... i decided to take the gamble...

    ...to accompany my OH5 one

    ...looks quite similar to the 2010 version

    mopar! mopar! bounce

    from popular along the way back...

    have been looking for this for some time now...

    i'm into pick-ups too... after muscle cars, european + japs...

    it was quite an experience... plus almost thought the event ended prematurely 'cos i went to the wrong direction after alighting at the nearby bus stop... Laughing

    okay... now it's really time to puasa on hot wheels and prepare for my exam... study

    to my fellow associate Nrik, hope you'll find some hidden treasures tomorrow, 'cos it's the LAST day!

  2. i googled "hot wheels singapore" with the intention to find out if there has been a local collectors' club being formed...
    found this along the way...
    Mattel $ale

    i'm scraping my trip to orchard road and decided to go to here instead... clown

    Here's a sneak peek of what I got...

    ...which most of you already own but ones that I am looking for my chase projects.

    dear admins, you may move this to the haul thread.
    t q

  3. as of right now... just constantly bugging my brother to visit kmart and target in aussie.

    got a friend who is in u.s. for an exchange programme and i've asked her to help me look for the garage series.
    another friend, her brother, will be visiting her soon so i'll ask him to help me out too...

    i don't think there's anything wrong with asking friends to help you out, just the manner you approach them. I love you

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