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Everything posted by Mangoberri

  1. nope. the next person who posts will have bought something from the stores that they didn't need, but bought it anyways.
  2. That's because we went into daylight savings last sunday. We went an hour back, and so did the ps time. Well, the ps time didn't roll back, we rolled back.
  3. hmm...I don't see it on the homepage. EDIT: found it..didn't notice it. It's not so bad..but I have to say it's weird.
  4. Really? Well, in my school more tagalog! I've never been to HK
  5. You can send me both if you want Just tell me what items you want, and what you don't want in the picture.
  6. hmm..I can try doing it for you if you send me the pics.
  7. hmm..you can resize it by pulling it in?
  8. Yes, open two paint documents, one with the big screenshot, one with the one you are going to paste here. And just cut and paste your items, depending on which ones you want to sell.
  9. New MB items can be found in PSFC "News. You can take a screenshot of every page in your inventory, cut and paste the items to form it.
  10. Yes, but I haven't gotten it yet. I guesss that the next person will have experienced a 'snow day' before.
  11. But here, most chinese people speak mandarin.,
  12. Hey! I know cantonese..except that i'm terrible at it.
  13. No......lol Someone who lives in a country who just woke up. lol next person who post has a mp3/ipod basically a portable media player.
  14. True that. I guess that the next person to post lives in a place that has more than 5 letters.
  15. correct. drinking ginger ale and reading a book I guess that the next person to post has a bad impression on the current mayor in pet society. (not steve, the mayor in pet society, mark!)
  16. HAHAAHAHAHA...erm. no. 8) i think the next person has drank something in the past half hour.
  17. my god. of course. @glow, wasn't expecting you to answer! I think the next poster has black hair.
  18. yeeeeuhhhhhhhhhh. lol I think that the next person who posts wants to drink a coffee or tea to wake themselves up.
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