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Everything posted by Mangoberri

  1. Old news, so I'm going to close this thread. I thought it was like a mistake with the WWF shirt, the one that says I love WWF. It was priced at 6coins instead of 6cc
  2. Some have speculated that it would come out on Thursday/Friday, whenever the new mystery box items come out. Personally, I think it's going to be in shops on Monday, when all the new items come in. On the bright side, a low spending week to save up more for those eggs! Halloween sure made me poor.
  3. I prefer the books, more in depth, the movie was kinda not what I pictured. You know how you get into the ZONE when you read a really good book, that's what happened, and the movie was totalyyyyyy different. Dissapointing really.
  4. Helllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooo. well, has anyone noticed the name of those pants in the clothing store? 'Period pants' in red?
  5. Mangoberri

    Food ........

    Tender braised short ribs, with polenta. OMG YUM! Seafood Risotto. Spaghetti Carbonera Filet Mignon Cajun Rib-eye steak Junk food xD Asparagus made with butter and roast garlic The veggies when you make roast turkey. What I hate? Brussel sprouts. OMG: that is the result of going on a Celebrity Cruise. I had french toast for breakfast, ham sandwich for lunch, and bbq ribs and yam for dinner. That was my meals today
  6. So...I kinda ran out of 4999s and have minimal 999s. and I need to buy the wwf set cause it's tres cute! So...what items do you want to trade? I have a bunch of items since I emptied my whole house..so ask and I might have.
  7. They took it out cause there was a glitch where some people got it from hideeni so they removed it until it was permanently fixed.
  8. Woops, sorry, will update it asap. I posted it on Sat Sep 19, 2009 and that's what I had in inventory then. No more bayleaf
  9. uhm, ok, I didn't find the button yet, but It'll work some day ^^ thanks anyway =] at the bottom bottom go to the bottom of the page, and press post reply. oooh, there! I didn't look that low thanks for your help! your welcome it saves a lot of time.
  10. uhm, ok, I didn't find the button yet, but It'll work some day ^^ thanks anyway =] at the bottom bottom go to the bottom of the page, and press post reply.
  11. Thanks kasi for the trade..adding rep now
  12. Sure kasi, will send the teapot over.
  13. ooh ok, I'll keep that in mind . sorry, I got used to it on the other forum. Thanks! ^^ (I don't really get how the multi-quoting works yet ) Press multi-quote for every post you want to quote, then at the bottom of the page, there's a button that says new reply or something like that, press it and your quotes are there
  14. Mangoberri

    More Sales

    Starting from tomorrow, yes. So it will be out the following week, not tomorrow.
  15. Mangoberri

    More Sales

    Yes it is, it always has big pink tags on it on the day the new mystery items come out.
  16. It's in the furniture store. Details are in the cafe.
  17. The pearls and wallpaper and watches. ugh. The dolls, and all 999 items. yay!
  18. Mangoberri

    More Sales

    phew..those stuff i either have or don't want cause their ugly..not wasting money again so i can keep it as a rare -_- nothings rare.
  19. Arwynxt, can you please update your facebook link. The one you currently have is not valid. Remember to copy the link from where you can see your profile, not your home page. If you need help, contact any mod or admin and we will be willing to help you. Thanks. Mango.
  20. Looking for the bat doll, bloody bunny, ghosty balloon, well basically every halloween mi besides the bookcase and black kitty.
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