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Everything posted by Mangoberri

  1. Artists? Actor? Actress? Song? Band? Share with us, and maybe we can learn of a new group from you! :biggrin: :
  2. LOL! My friend has them on CD's, I think they download them. lol. Sure! PM me a link to watch online...is it all in chinese? I'm not very good at chinese
  3. Just watched the end of Moonlight Resonance episode 2, so good! Do you watch 老婆大人 2? I watched the first four episodes, but can't find the other ones on youtube.
  4. Talk about your favourite Chinese Shows, whether on CD or on TVB, you choose! Talk about it here, and talk about all the gossips you hear about celebritys
  5. What about Cloudy with a chance of meatballs? Or Fame? Those are two new ones, I didn't watch it yet, but I'm planning to go this weekend or next
  6. Mangoberri

    Gimme 5.....

    penguin doll paper pinwheel panda doll panda chair pet wall scroll Gimme 5 ways of measuring something.
  7. My name is Queen, I am a Queen (thus my name), I live in Quebec and I am feeling queerly.
  8. Click on profile right up on the top. Then click on the second tab. Near the bottom, it says always attach my signature, click yes then hit save. Go back to your profile, where you can change things, and hit the 3rd tab. There, get the IMG code, and put it in between the img tags hit save and voila!
  9. IT is coming soon, this one is over We pick random members, completely at random, and they get their chance of winning.
  10. You will have to use photoshop or a program called GIMP to make it. To make simpler ones, Paint will do just fine.
  11. You mean you want like a little drawing of your pet and stuff? Or do you not know how to put it in?
  12. moi. haha. but I'm busy this sunday, so I'll watch it on youtube.
  13. It's all done btw. Unless he finds something else to do
  14. Haha, nothing happen. Everything is back to normal. Only differences is if you roll over a link, i twill be pink, and at forum index, putting your mouse over the link will cause it to be dark blue Only tweakings done.
  15. Haha, feel free to rant or praise the difference. Just making a lil difference to the look of the forum. Won't be much difference though...I hope.
  16. Steve's just playing around with it, experimenting. I don't think there's a caption comp on right now.
  17. Mangoberri

    Gimme 5.....

    Ana Howwa heyya Ehna Homm Gimme 5 brands of shampoo.
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