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Everything posted by Mangoberri

  1. Will send you BAT HAT as soon as you answer the question I sent you.. There is something weird with your profile going on... Did u change a name?... I've had glow on my friends list for a looong time, and her name is still the same. I just checked. What does it show to you?
  2. Mangoberri

    Gimme 5.....

    Gosh. then you're going to give it to me then 1) Big panda 2) Small panda 3) WWF Shirt 4) I Love WWF wreath. 5) And the panda poster that will come back on sunday. Don't you dare twin. Gimme 5 french verbs
  3. Mangoberri

    Gimme 5.....

    Michelangelo Picasso Maxo Vanka Salvador Dali Thomas Cole Give me 5 ways to eat cereal.
  4. It comes out when the new mb items come out
  5. All pictures can be found at www.kogaweb.net , yunni016
  6. Mangoberri

    Gimme 5.....

    Impossible Insatiable Idiotic Igloo Impeccable Gimme 5 colours of natural hair. Nothing died/artificial.
  7. Yes, they are rare. There is a price guide in the trading forum if you are unsure of what to offer /facebook-trading-f2/psfc-trading-guide-t3702.htm
  8. Sdfaulk probably is really tired now, as you are when you're hosting a wedding since the wedding was yesterday. I don't know when she'll be back 100% but let's hope soon
  9. Errr...will find out for you
  10. I have... 1004 carrots 172 corn 5460 radish 569 purple radish 576 peas 631 wood 359 stone 27 eggs 1000 green peppers 530 red peppers. What can I get with all those crops/produce/wood/stone?
  11. Chaoself, can you please put your FACEBOOK link in, not your yahoo email? This is just to prevent hackers, as they can find your password by seeing your email.If you don't know how, any mod or admin can help you
  12. Mangoberri

    Gimme 5.....

    1. roast 2. boiled 3. steamed 4. broiled 5. seared. Gimme 5 previous Olympic Cities.
  13. Maybe, maybe not...*hint hint nudge nudge* what about the... JONAS BROTHERS? or HONOR SOCIETY Who knows, maybe they might pop up.... whoop pee doo daaa.. whooop de doo day.
  14. Maybe, maybe not...*hint hint nudge nudge* what about the... JONAS BROTHERS? or HONOR SOCIETY
  15. Mangoberri

    Gimme 5.....

    bad twin. BTW. Yukon is a territory twin 1. google 2. bing 3. yahoo 4. ask 5. uhm.....duck duck go? i googled it. gimme 5 brands of mp3 players.
  16. nope, just read whatever the book had.
  17. Mangoberri

    Gimme 5.....

    1. banff 2. mount revelstone 3. vancouver island 4. kootney 5. rockies Gimme 5 Canadian provinces. Try not to google!
  18. Man you should go to my school. You can't go through 5 minutes without hearing a swear word
  19. haha I know this song! It's always on the radio. You should've put a miley cyrus song up
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