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Everything posted by Mangoberri

  1. Oh you got them! Thank you for the trade!
  2. Uhm..PS crashed..can you check if everything actually got there?
  3. [quote="dawnbrans"] Sorry, I have been out of town. Are these still available & how much do you want for them sweety? I can pay in 4999's, 3333's & cc. Thanks Yes they are still available. Uhm..10k..i don't really care in what form of payment
  4. You probably clicked it twice lol. Sent you the items. now back to studying.
  5. It's in the market, and you just purchase it like a item.
  6. Okay, if dawn still wants the order above, there would be no more cake or sundae. Well, I could always cook it if the cooking function was in order! But just for lolly, steak, pizza, fish and chips, I would say around 5x999?
  7. Thanks for the trade tweet!
  8. i would be scared to ride an ostrich. even more if my pet was riding it.
  9. haha you're not stupid. i didn't know until someone in the TOF said it.
  10. When you send it as a gift, you can see which one you are sending. just a little tip.
  11. If you add me, I can try sending you one and see if you get hte safari.
  12. Is it only italy this week, or can we do a room with the vacation items?
  13. sent you f/r...didnt let me include a note though
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