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Everything posted by Mangoberri

  1. Okay..stupid question, but I opened the vacation packages, but I forgot to write down all the items...now I have trouble finding it in my massive chest...anyone write the items down or screenshot it?
  2. oh lol i'm just a really bad explainer..think about when i teach kids!
  3. i think i already sent you a gift today but you'll get another seed from me tomorrow aww thanks tweet. Im not sure if i can send gifts today cause i cant remember if iv already sent them....Ill go have a look haha sent both of you seeds
  4. Sure, both ways work. I don't mind waiting. I don't have school tomorrow so it's A-okay
  5. Maybe it has an invisible other part of her conjoined twin...<--does that even make sense? 0-0
  6. I didn;t put a note that it was you. lol i just wrote all done!
  7. All sent. phew that took a long time.
  8. does she have any in her chest? I dont want her to sell it back to the stores.
  9. On the items that come out tonight. I'll pm you a list when they come out.
  10. 30 coins each? haha I think I shouldn't answer this question without tweet! ^
  11. I don't know for sure, but I do want the cooking back! I don't have much left over..my pet is too hungry.
  12. uhm..can anyone tell me what eurovision is?
  13. Mangoberri

    Graphics needed

    thank you lazar and lea! I'll make more if I have time.
  14. Mangoberri

    Graphics needed

    just something really simple I made.
  15. sister's prom tonight, so I'll be going to that, then study study study
  16. http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/the-cafe-f3/the-new-paw-pounds-exchange-t8183.htm That thread should explain it. They are changing to PSFC Cash soon! Welcome!
  17. me neither. I just hope those vacation tickets aren't very expensive. those are the only items I am fond of. It's not an 'OMG I want everything week', but like a 'meh, its okay.'
  18. Mangoberri


    Thanks for the trade! rep added.
  19. Mangoberri


    Sure, what's your offer? 27x999s? Okay, I'll send the items over.
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