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Everything posted by Mangoberri

  1. That my friend held the olympic torch and ran. It actually was an interesting day. So it started off with driving to that place, then we had a washroom break. During that break, a biathalon technician invited us to see their factory. So we accepted. However, when we went on the bus to get there, the torch was in front of us! Therefore, we had to run 2.4km down to where my friend was running to catch up to her. My, what a run that was.... So, we ran all the way there, and had to run all the way back up to the bus. Basically, that`s it. Long story short, my legs are hurting like crazy.
  2. Now that I think about it, my petling is like me! I like top quality food, nothing yucky like fast food.
  3. My petling always asks for bones..the most expensive thing -_-
  4. No problem. Should be done when I get home EDIT: Sorry, really tired tonight...will get it done tomorrow.
  5. I love wings too mayski, but I don't like the bone...love it if it was de-boned.
  6. Ready for pickup! The avatar is more of a cloudy background rather than the sky background.
  7. some of my friends got the new layout....but I didn't get it yet.
  8. I think it's 3-5 times..not sure though..don't trust me on it.
  9. I eat chips and candy...basically junk food
  10. Not really, he`s relatively easy to find.. He`s either walking outside your restaurant, on a picnic mat near the garden planting place, or standing outside on the street.
  11. They are getting rid of it ON Valentine`s day....I`m pretty sure that`s what they said.
  12. I haven`t got one yet, and I went through 50 boxes... I bought them instead.
  13. Did you try searching for the name, or cat or kitty? Maybe it will show up... or have a look through your whole chest.. or perhaps it's hiding somewhere in your room.
  14. Done, did you want an avatar? I only made you a signature. It's availible in teh pickup section in the second post.
  15. Is this season the one with Jake in it?
  16. You're doing great tcarnagie!
  17. hannahbanana-oh lala iJess-Lucky Mariesherry-Duncan Noor-Coco Berry without widchime with windchime Nani_s-Princess Sydney Mariesherry-Duffie MeganBoutique98-Audrina With NO scanlines With scanlines. Myladyyawo-Yawo Hem...-SmileyFace *has cleaner outer black border. Blastertoyo-Lady Gaga
  18. I just want to practice some of my skills, so feel free to post below with the form.. I LOVE CHALLENGES. ANYTHING YOU WANT, JUST ASK. I CAN PROBABLY DO IT, INCLUDING THE ONES THAT JUST INVOLVE YOUR PET ON A MIRROR/ICE CUBE WHATEVER...THOSE ARE PRETTY SIMPLE, I CAN DO THOSE IN 5 MINUTES, I'M JUST TOO LAZY TO MAKE A SAMPLE. What do you want? (signature, avatar, safe trade...etc. [I will try to make it ...just be specific.]) Theme: (swirls, birthday, etc.) Pet name: _________ Image ( If you want to link me to photo album, please pm me the link) [IN PORTRAIT FORMAT PLEASE] : Any specific items you want on it?: Anything else? : The more specific you are, it probably will be nicer Pet in hideeni outfit Userbars Signature with scanlines Mirror customized pet Wrapper signature. I can also do lineart. PICKUP IN POST 2
  19. 1) Do I look fat when I lie down like this? I don't want to embarrass myself in front of my crush. 2) I love you, my fair lady, but you're squeezing me too hard! 3) I wonder if you see me...I want to try going into the oven, it's too cold out here.
  20. Thanks for the trade! rep for you too
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