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Everything posted by schumacher

  1. schumacher

    GT Wheel Swap

    good custom bro. the wheels matching lah. and the black spoiler also matching
  2. wow so many ferrari. very poisonous!
  3. YO! U would never understand. This is between me and ford gt. We are in love. A mere SCHUMACHER wont get it Its does not look very nice to me. Find something else to collect la bro SERIOUSLY DUDE.SHUT UP ALREADY im just kidding bro. am sorry
  4. YO! U would never understand. This is between me and ford gt. We are in love. A mere SCHUMACHER wont get it Its does not look very nice to me. Find something else to collect la bro
  5. what with ford gt bro?not many ppl collect this casting. see very many of them in your thread in garage section. what so special about it? it seems that u the only one collect these
  6. whoa nice fast five haul. tell DOM and BRIAN to get a police dodge charger too
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