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Everything posted by Zedd_68

  1. Cheers Crackerjack. I hope it doesnt put you off this passion. It ceertainly is a passion that is exhilirating at its purest level; I guess what you/we saw yesterday is far from the ideals. Do remember; I am part of the mini-AM too ...though that is alway remain secondary. ...i guess it is like school lo; me mebbe tahun 2, you tahun 1, and most of what you saw are graduates and post graduates...or at least 'lepasan SPM' Mebbe it is 'the way the world is'...but I believe they are ways to still enjoy it.. Please dont be too dissapointed....let me be the one to do that... Z
  2. Zedd_68


    UPDATED 2012-6-16: (Thank you bro Lan for finding a new home for the Citroen) ..and Cheers to Crackerjack for that collecting spirit that seems to be....dissipating nowadays...keep it up bro, you will find like-minded bros in amongst those "crowd" last nite (just remember lo...they are those that are already too battle-scarred to give a s#$t )... ..and to R.A.S.363.... "terimakasih atas pemberian"
  3. Takpe le bro R.A.S.363...memang takde BMW kita...dia bynk kot...t-hunt kot...tak pun super Janji sampai selamat... CHAH...tak join ke...hehehe...gurau mas...
  4. If all goes to plan, I will be at Citta and bringing along Crackerjack... I am sure he will be estatic to see all the exclusive versions, customs, etc. Pls help me making his maiden appearance something wonderful... Cheers people Z
  5. Zedd_68


    Tired...tired...tired... Will do my best to be at CiTTa tonight. CHAH..pm replied. CRACKERJACK. pm replied. Call, pls, tq.
  6. Demi cinta dan asyik masyuk kepada Mattel (cover bnyk tuh...HW ye gak, MBX ye gak B----e ye gak...hahaha ) aku akan mengorbankan seluruh tenaga yang dah beep beep beep ni menuju ke airport lama...sigh CHAH, bmw apo kobondonyo...tak kan lah den nak mengorbankan petrol yng begitu tinggi (4litre = 1 HW :p) ...janji dapek bawak kotak2 ni cukup lah... See you guys tonite....i hope...muahahahahah
  7. Crackerjack. See ur pm, and see my list bro. Cheerz Z
  8. Aiyoh.. Didnt know there is one there la...soli soli... Na li and when? If like that, what about those w.maju/setapak/gombak/selayang? If there is, great, I can close this topic. Mas Chah...mengganas tu tak le...menyelinap je...gerilla...haha :p den dapek pm ko. Nanti kojap ado meeting...punten pak...
  9. Wahhhh, Everywhere got gathering... (but don't miss Citta one lo...at least once a month). Am calling any members in the vicinity of Selayang (Batu Caves too), Kepong, Gombak (dan kawasan kawasan sewaktu dengan nye ), Wangsa Maju... Slot in a time (Friday..but Citta priority) or Saturday...9ish? Perhaps rotating-basis; once in Selayang, then Kepong, etc, etc, CITTA is great...but lembik gak kalu every week mau travel from B.Caves.. eyes not as good too. A suggestion; please feel free to shoot it down Z
  10. True true...congrats! Unlike me...hunt like crazy...only two to show for... Keep on huntin' and keep on haulin' bro
  11. Zedd_68


    Oh ya. Forgot to info: ADA YANG TAK MASUK LIST DIATAS BRO...surprise sikit le ye kat Citta esok...nuthin special, for-Malaysian market gak..hehe Z
  12. Like I said in another threads elsewhere....YOU GUYS ARE OUT OF MY LEAGUE!!!! Wa Lau Weh....optimus prime pun tak sehensem ni......masyukkkk!!!
  13. Recent additions (Sudah sudah la tu gamaknye...next month mebbe )
  14. Zedd_68


    Update 14 June 2012. Chah, crackerjack - pm replied Titaniumboss sir - pm sent
  15. Haha haha...kena ambik pil "anti demam DD" sebelum beli ..that is if there's any to be found after the 'insiders' etc sapu first
  16. Hi Guys. My first attempt. Am calling it "asphalt jungle"...marble jungle is more apt I think
  17. Hmmm... Thanks for the info Crackerjack Perhaps HWCMalaysia is already planning to set up a club booth there? (Mr Admin sir?) Z
  18. Paham bro. No worries, kita pakat beli banyak2 kat TRU kita, kita FLOOD ebay ngan free car kita...harga murah-murah...haha (...still...what a nice trip he has...sigh )
  19. Arigato wildspirit-san Darn darn darn darn darn ... bila lah ye boleh merayap macam member kita from States tu ye? Pegi JEPANG pulak tu...
  20. Wei Wei Wei... Jangan macam tu lah titaniumboss...wear pampers dulu BOTH on my radar...but I WILL HAVE TO STOP THERE...else kena "demam DD"
  21. Zedd_68


    Tkasih bang sahama. Dapat support camni dari hardcore veteran like you is heartwarming. Cheers
  22. Zedd_68


    ======================= PM me, if interested. Thank you, happy browsin', and thank you for your past, present, and future support ====================== UPDATED 2012 - 9 - 16 ==========================
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