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Everything posted by ewoks

  1. Falcor, do u mean the blue school uniform set? I believe I've sold my spare set hun, sorry. thanks for the patience. Lucky, no prob. Im sorry i cannot give u a more specific price, I've mostly traded the past weeks for CCs and have no idea of present prices in coins. i merely give an estimate of what I see around forums, and what others offer for the items. thank u for understaning.
  2. hi Falcor, ur up and early. i havn't even slept yet, its not even midnight yet here! LOL. My Ps isnt open as I have difficulty opening multiple tabs. May I get back on you on the number of the marked items pls? The unmarked items, do u just need 1 of each then?
  3. Hi lucky, i accept coins in form of 999s, 24999, 3333s, 6666s. For the 3 cards, anywhere bet 8-10 x4999 or its equivalent in other currency is fine. Hi Chay, akala ko uwi ka? For silver viking and reindeer hat, 3 x 4999 each will do hun. Pink princess dress the same price as Fashionista 2 x 4999 + 3 x 999. i sold a tropical hat recently for 5 x 4999. again, any currency that will equal is acceptable. Prices are fluctuating weekly, or is daily? i can hardly keep up.
  4. I dont know what Hachnicko is, I built a train before by layering black shelves and mirrors as glasses, which i also did for my pirate boat. the shelves are wonderful, they are my faves as I like to construct. You may even use the shelves with round stands as wheels of the train. hope that helps a bit. goodluck!
  5. I do agree with you Lea on PS being a social game. and indeed if trades would keep profit to a minimum, then the hacks won't be as rampant. It is the game, the forums, and the neighborhood which keeps the flame for PS alive. PF however has its faults too, which perhaps have cultivated a form of greed among trades, if we can call it that. Just look how many items they keep adding to the cash shop/ boutique weekly, where they put the pretty but steeply priced items for real money. I've also just read that the blue boxes which cost 3 CCs contain NIS. which were priced in regular coins when they were in shops! i don't think that is fair to a player who buys CCs. The recent hacks are unlike the previous ones where many players benefitted, since the cloning forced a lot of traders to adjust to current prices, The hack of CC items however hurt players who invested in real money to trade and buy the items they want in exchange for their CCs. I am not a CC dealer, but I had bought cards for myself, yet I still hoard TWS in the hope that i will be able to trade or sell them for CCs in case I run out, or normal coins for cases when i cannot play diligently for days cuz of RL. We really do not have much choice but to accept these changes and move forward
  6. i have no prob in accepting the bubble chairs or the princess beds, as I will merely encash them anyway. If ur short in 3333s, feel to free to offer in 999s. i think the equivalent of the 4999s these days as follows: 1x 24999 + 2 x999 or 1x 3333 + 1 x999. I have to double check the skeleton shirt if i still have, I am redecorating, and its the skeleton dress that i have in inventory. They are different.
  7. Hun, i ask for a minimum of 3x4999 for hallo clothes, but since only the admiral jackets are in 4999s, kindly offer in anything that will have of the same value, whether 3333s,999, or 666s I'll have to check skeleton shirt as I used it as a decor for one of my hallo rooms. Skeleton dress I have in inventory. Thank you! Falcor- Ive posted some of the items ive cleared from my rooms, and u will find them in blue font. still early for meto tuck myself in bed. Sweet deams
  8. ok Falcor, Im going to double check my inventory when i log on to PS. Good night hun!
  9. Im adding more items as i redecorate my pet's home! Pls feel free to ask what u need, and if i dont reply soon enough, kindly leave me an in game note
  10. thank u sweetie, glad to be back too. Biz matters can take too much of one's social life or in our case, virtual life LOL i have 8 spares i think. Ive been wanting to dye them but when i bought the blue one from shop, it sat sadly in my chest. now i do not know how to color my pet's wigs LOL 2x333 for 1 will do hun, if that is fair? I havent checked current prices as trading had gone haywire again...sigh
  11. Thank you Kasi for the speedy reply. i truly did not expect the extent of the recent hacking. I just found out about the CC hacks, and felt so sad since my fiance sent me a surprise text msg PF card PINS from the States., a few days before the CCs were hacked. So many players have left because of the recent changes in PF. Perhaps there will be more who would with the hacks. The best thing to do is to ride yet another wave in PS Sell most spares and definitely stop hoarding TWS!!
  12. Sorry for the much delayed reply. Was caught up with deadline of income taxes. Glad its finally over!! Lucky - if ur still interested to trade, winner, 3 & 4 are available. Im more interested in coins at the moment as I haven't had much time to do daily visits. Falcor - didnt notice u had an inquiry, but if ur still needing the wig, I still have several. LOL
  13. OMG more hacks? I go on leave for a few days, and every time I log back to forums all I read are hacking news. These events had taken away the excitement of trading. May i please be clarified if the above-mentioned items are still accepted to be traded/ sold around? so much so for hoarding PS items LOL
  14. Hi Chay! ive sold my last spare of blue school uniform, sorry. What would u like to offer for the items hun? 4999s (or starting next week 24999 grrrr), 999s, 3333s, CC or in store items or past TWS trade? lol Im accepting any of them. BTW, do we already have a ratio for 4999s against 3333s around the forum?
  15. winner, 1, 2, 3, 4? pls feel free to offer. I usually start w/ 2x499s for 08 items. Quite difficult to state prices these days as the 4999s will be cut in half this week i think, and 3333s are what others are accepting. Sorry I was not able to reply to you right away, as my PC kept freezing when I open 2 tabs at once. wont allow me to multi-task
  16. ewoks

    Hi I'm Lins

    BTW I love your new Avvie hun, you reckon the bunny has the mosaic?With a bum that large, he may have more special eggs than Hideeni!!
  17. ewoks

    Hi I'm Lins

    Thats a lovely picture of Fliss and Ewoks hun. My pet got a good smoochie from yours, hope she didnt mind the poo beside them
  18. ewoks

    Hi I'm Lins

    Lindy sweetie!!! Glad to see that you are here too!!
  19. New items added in the shop! More to come as we start to clean up inventory
  20. payment and 2nd witch doll sent and received. thanks for another safe trade.added another pos rep
  21. I like to try!!!! Now... would you like a throne? LOL thank you for the offer hun, but there are pets who need that more than Ewoks. Just popped in to give u smoochies! Of course, I dont look anything close to Edward Cullen
  22. Ames Sweetie,you spread love wherever you go!!! Big hugs for your generosity!
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