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Everything posted by ewoks

  1. witch doll sent, thanks for another trade.adding pos rep!
  2. items sent. thanks for a safe trade.adding pos rep
  3. items rcvd and sent. thanks for a fast and safe trade. adding pos rep for u!
  4. Silly me, i could have just clicked on ur FB icon LOL. FR accepted
  5. Your name is Eleni, hun? There r several F/Rs which went in, I didnt want to send to wrong person
  6. thats fine hun, pls send me F/R. thanks
  7. sorry i havent checked your reply. Its hard for me to open 2 tabs at once. If you may add some 999s to your offer, we have a deal hun.
  8. I sold my dragon bench for 5x4999 recently.will have to check if i have spare. I still have yet to check price of royal cupboards. I'd like to sell my 08 items for at least 2x4999 or equivalent if u may pls. thanks
  9. no worries, i was a bit confused earlier too F/R accepted hun. Pet name Ewoks, 47. thanks
  10. I have the pink princess dress hun, what would u like to offer for it pls?
  11. I cant seem to do quotes @ sunnybunny 5x999 for witch doll pls. hallo 09 items are bet 1-3 x4999 these days i think @ Lucky Strike deal with rudolph and royal party wp. Ive seen people sell the gift for more hun. I also accept IS items. Kindly send me FR if the prices Ive replied to are fine. thanks
  12. I dont understand ur question. Did u mean trade items w/o loading the game?or trading sites outside Facebook? PSFC is such forum if its the latter. You dont need to log onto FB to access the site.
  13. Speculations that the next trading currency is the blinging gold watch. but we may only see this happen if it would e cloned too in the same way that the 4999s and 6666s were LOL. Trading had gone downhill since the hacking period during the last quarter of 09, and we may see its eventual death, unless people will be willing to accept prices for lower profit or none at all through item trades. Playfish had always maintained that they discourage trading; however EA the new owners of PS is notorious for its reputation as a money making company. Simply observe that most items in cash shops are getting more and more expensive, plus they come out with specials too. These items cannot e traded in the future! but certainly EA will profit a lot, as players scramble to purchase them before they are removed from the stores. Sadly, some CC dealers have gotten quite greedy and charge an exorbitant exchange ratio. I honestly believe that unless players are willing to adjust to the new, albeit lower trading market, there wont be so much a future trading in PS. The game had reached its peak; the number of players who had left it and the ratings speak voulmes.
  14. What would u like to offer for it pls?
  15. 5x999 for wonderland rabbit pls hun. Altho I have a baby chick doll, I am holding onto it until trading settles down.
  16. I am accepting 4999s and 999s hun, i only refuse for 4999i if the item is in asterisk, or my last in inventory. yayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so can i ask for how much are you selling those? and also for rudolf and royal party wallpaper??? (if can tell me seperatly and all together i would love too ) [sorry i was just exited about the 4999's ] Ive never seen anyone as excited as you since 4999s came in abundance last year lol I only came ot of my hiatus last week, and am only familiar with prices of few items. If you may offer for the items listed, perhaps we can negotiate from there? thanks! it varies but how about... 5*4999? (1+2+2) [well actually i have absolutely NOOOOOOOOOOO 999's and since not some many want to trade in 4999's these days i have hooooorible problems! funny thing is i still sell with 4999!) the 5x4999 are for what items hun? i got quite confused with ur reply
  17. items rcvd and sent. thank u for a safe trade! adding rep for u sweetie
  18. Its so lovely to see the lovely Mookie and her equally lovely Mum here
  19. Angel Mookie!!!! Welcome hunni (((hugs)))
  20. Baby hedgehog is n asterisk hun, m jst waiting for trading to settle down
  21. I am accepting 4999s and 999s hun, i only refuse for 4999i if the item is in asterisk, or my last in inventory. yayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so can i ask for how much are you selling those? and also for rudolf and royal party wallpaper??? (if can tell me seperatly and all together i would love too ) [sorry i was just exited about the 4999's ] Ive never seen anyone as excited as you since 4999s came in abundance last year lol I only came ot of my hiatus last week, and am only familiar with prices of few items. If you may offer for the items listed, perhaps we can negotiate from there? thanks!
  22. you may offer in present TWS hun, or the green emerald chandler of last week. I forgot to do last minute shoppng in gadget store Would you except the chandler and 2x999 hun? Or would you like me to add more? Does 4x999 + green chandelier or 2 green chandeliers + 2 x999 sound ok wth hun? any will do thanks! Okay sweetie, I'll send the 4x999 and the one chandelier F/R accepted sweetie, my pet name is Ewoks, 47
  23. I am accepting 4999s and 999s hun, i only refuse for 4999i if the item is in asterisk, or my last in inventory.
  24. you may offer in present TWS hun, or the green emerald chandler of last week. I forgot to do last minute shoppng in gadget store Would you except the chandler and 2x999 hun? Or would you like me to add more? Does 4x999 + green chandelier or 2 green chandeliers + 2 x999 sound ok wth hun? any will do thanks!
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