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  4. This is an English site, please post in English. If you continue, you could get a warning.
  5. Mine as a kid was probably the nile crocodile, but nowadays it has to be all dinosaurs, both avian and non avian 🙂
  6. j ai que trois aquarium moi comment bazar
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  8. Thanks for offering to share your creations.
  9. An image has been added.
  10. I just did, but the animal on the statue is still white even after placing it
  11. An image has been added.
  12. Delete the download and download it again.
  13. The Toolache Wallaby on the "Toolache dreamtime statue" is white after placing it.
  14. Welcome to the VIP Members group! You're welcome.
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  16. I have a few favorite animals but I'll say wolves are my most favorite!
  17. I know that a couple images are messed up. If you have better ones, please send me DM/PM. Also if you have the ones missing images.
  18. Sorry for bumping this thread, but what's exactly unfinished about these?
  19. My favorite animal is African elephants.
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