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Hope you are all well this morning

It is Fathers day tomorrow so I am going to take my girls shopping later so they can get a little gift to give their Dad...should be fun as my olderst daughter is very indesisive lol

What are you all up to today? x

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Not much going on around here. Sven will be doing resumes today and i will be writing. We also have to get to the store and get some drinks and do the usual stressful Saturday thing.

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Happy Saturday to all!
Today i'll be at home and do nothing important ,so the same as all this week
wish everyone a good day Smile

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haha I like the pic :spiteful:
Have a great day everybody!!!!
The weather is awful in here... It's raining and it's cold
I hope weather in other countries is better!

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Just been into town with my hubby to buy him a new camera ....OMG ...how much for a camera/extra lens/filters/bag/memory card/insurances ...its a good job they said it fast or I might have fainted !!

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We're getting a bit of rain here, too. I'm so ready for summer! Today I have to get motivated enough to do a few small chores that I've been putting off.

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Just done my makeyp and hair...ready to do get my daddys fathers day pressie...

Mikeys being mean now cause his cousins ove and they are making rockets >.<

Stupid Stupid men!!!

I wanna go shoppin!!!

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This day started absolutely great. We went to cinema at 6 o'clock than after we walked around the city. We watched a man paint beautiful pictures with color spray. And the day was ruined by a movie. It has a rude word in it's name. In the trailer the movie looked like a comic and one scene Frigthened me a lot.

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ive had such a busy night, ive been in work since 2pm and im shattered lol
cant believe everyone seemed to want to come shopping to ASDA ona saturday!!!! Sad

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