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Where is everyone?

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Where is everyone tonight?
There is only me and mangoberri on now.....

Is everyone at BBQ's or something haha.....

Come back everyone.... Where are all my friends gone =D. Me and mango are lonley haha


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I am really busy searching the net with my brother, so I can't be on today Sad

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Lazar wrote:
I am really busy searching the net with my brother, so I can't be on today Sad

Thats fine. I was just wondering where everyone was thats all...Im missing your all

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I am packing to go on vacation. The trip starts tomorrow. I also spent the evening watching the Germany and Uruguay match.

Yay Germany, third place!!!!!!!!

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My hubby is home weekends and I have been watching a film with him that he recorded this week ..without realising it was in two parts and didn't record the second part

Also been enjoying the sunshine and the garden which we don't get a lot of chance to do normally

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im still waiting for my laptop lead so i can have my full internet back, but my dad said he might have found one in work i can use, so i might be back online fulltime tomorrow! Xxxx

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I have go to school tomorrow, so I can't sleep too late (around 15.30 GMT time)

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Ah. I went out to get some soap and body butter, then went shopping in the mall and had dinner.

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Today we had really nice weather where I live in Ontario Canada, so I went out to enjoy the sunshine with my daughter - we cooled off at a free splash pad.
(I usually log on late in the evening when my daughter is sleeping anyways...)


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i had to work alllll day and have to work allllll day tomorrow too...

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I'm in my parents' house, so I just come by here a little while Smile

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I have been taking it easy,more pain than usual imagine that lol

son has been playing one of my games,but won't do any visits for me.The evilness of it.Guess I need to put something in bunny's house to clobber and he will help a broken up momma out

jeez lol

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For me it was 10:58 pm

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It was 9:58pm here Laughing .

Unfortunately theres been a crisis in the F1 this weekend and I had to keep people calm about it even if I wasn't so upset by it as they were. If I looked uninterested they'd ask why I was the owner of the site. Drama and they never listen to a word I say anyway .

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