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VERY bad news!!!!! no pet society for over a month!!!!!

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i cannot play ps for more than a month!!!! my dad got very angry at me for staying in front of the pc for so long and disconnected the power supply of the cpu
i wont be able to even buy the owo items as well as the limited ones
what am i going to do??? Sad
my dad was so firm and there is no point to argue Sad
i also have trades i need to complete from my shop.. how will i do that??
i am now using my phone.. fortunately i still got a way to tell you this!

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thank you but he's made it bad this time
he said i need to study instead of playing this stupid game so i guess he will only reconnect it during the hols which is over a month away

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Noes!!!! i hate it when parents do that... i hope you can find a way to go on PS and stuff... does your school have PC lol

we will miss you.

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thxx i will miss u all too unfortunately we cannot use the internet in school for facebook etc and only for research work Sad

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I'm sorry guys but as a parent I can see your Dads point of view here.

Your studies the most important thing. Games should only be played in your free time, after you have finished your studies. It's all a case of getting your priorities right hun (hardest thing in the world lol)

Sorrry if I sound as bad as your Dad, but I'm a Mum to a 15 yr old boy who spends way too much time on his x box/pc. And I know the steps I've had to take to get him to study

I know it doesnt seem like it now, but your Dad is only doing what he thinks is best for you, You will appreciate it when you are older hun xxx

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OMG! That's!! That's! That's aaaahhrr.....

I would go to the public library to go on, even it's a little bit of time to get the freakin awesome items next week.

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i wish you luck Annick. ): can't you make a deal with your dad to go on 10 mins a day? to at least do trades or something >.<

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I have a sneeky idea... does your local librabry have free internet access?
You could go to the library and use the computer there! And your dad will think you are studying or reading! (I am so bad for thinking of this!!!!) But it's a solution if you can have access to PS!

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I think sneaky ideas can destroy the trust that a parent has in a child. I know that you want to play PS, but there must be a balance between playing, and why sacrifice the trust for a game? I know that it seems hard, but I have to agree with Lisa (excpet for the bit about having a fifteen year old...I have no children). Try and get your grades up, and when you show your dad that you can be dependable, then maybe a compromise can be made.

Hope that helps.

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As being a parent to 2 boys, ages 12 and 16 and one daughter 14, with the addition to loving PS.... I agree with Lisa, and Yvette....

You can do this, Annick.... show your pop that u can learn time management in order for you to do very well in school, as well as satisfy your addiction to PS Smile I have lots and true faith heading your way.

I am sure there are quite a few of us, here on psfc, who may purchase a little extra of the new items that will be coming out, over the next few weeks...therefore, u can get what your hearts desire... maybe even with or without having to do a trade...

get your grades up, and i am sure, sparkie will reward u with something very special, upon your return.

The saying goes, you play, u gotta pay, hun...pay your dues to your studies, and u will be rewarded.... Good luck and Keep us informed, with little notes, here and there....

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thank you everybody Smile yes i understand and im managing to live without my pc and ps but i kinda feel sorry for not able to send items to those who sent me payment already for them Sad

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yes....that is true.....don't try to cheat your father with some crazy ideas........4 years ago when i was in 6 grade i have been more time on my PC playing games then studying and my parents have take computer from my room and put it in my sister room....i haven't play PC for more then 10 months......i was very sad in start and was very mad at my parents but after 1 week i have stop to think about PC and found something useful to do....like more studying and i learn that our parents want only to learn us that we need to have balance between playing PC and doing things that we love...........just try to stop thinking on Pet Society and you will see that this is nothing hard.......one month will be over soon.....faster then you think........hope this story will help you.......

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annick1206 wrote:
thank youu ive been surprised too how im able to live Laughing

I'm so happy to hear that! I will also have doubles of many of the TWO items, so let me know what you're missing after you log in and check your door step. congratulations

I did not mean for my comment (above) to seem mean towards parents.
I'm a parent myself, but I guess I have always been a bit of a rebel and I always see things form the kid’s point of view before the parents. That's just how I am - I can't change it.

Like, when I see kids skateboarding on a handrail at the store (they should not be doing that there) I think to myself: "At least they aren't out doing anything worse, let them have their fun!" While I know allot of my friends who are parents are thinking: "They should not be doing that there - it's a nuisance". But I understand the others who commented that you should listen to your dad and show him that you can be trusted – trust will get you more in the long run that 4 weeks on PS ever will.

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it's okay =) thank youu
i also know it's not worth betraying trust.. i just have to wait till november latest congratulations
my father is no longer angry with me now but i dont want him to be mad at me again for asking him to let me use pc..besides i really need to study Smile i havent started yet because all the homework alone takes lots of my time
anyways i will give my best congratulations

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Annick.... u have very very blessed and proud parents.
You have such a good head on your shoulders. You are doing the right thing....
we all mess up in life, and we learn from our mistakes....
I am very honored to have read your story about why you cannot go on your PC as well as the outcome that has become of your situation.
Stand Tall. YOu are a very very bright young lady.
Keep up the great work.... PS and PSFC will be here waiting, open arms, for when u return...
Good Luck !!!!

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Another parent chiming in here... (mom of 3 kids, ages 17, 14, and 7). We parents have so much to think about when raising kids. Not only do we want you to do well in school, but we want you to be well-rounded in all aspects of life. We want you to have a good balance—social, educational, spiritual, etc—and we know it's our responsibility to point you in the right direction. It can be a heavy load for parents!

But it's not just US that wants to be happy with how you turn out... we want YOU to be happy with the kind of adult you turn out to be. We want YOU to be happy with the kind of childhood you experienced, and the memories you made. We don't want you to look back on your growing up years and regret not putting in the effort at school, or regret how you spent your summer vacations or regret how much excess time you spent playing virtual games. I can apply this to my own experience as well... when I've found I've been spending too much time playing games and not enough time attending to other things, or even just getting out and enjoying my real life friends—I realize it's time to cut back.

I don't want myself or my kids to look back at 2008, 2009, 2010... and say "that's the year I played Pet Society" (or xBox or whatever). Or, "that's the summer I collected every single plushie that ever existed in Pet Society!" The scales of life need to tip to the side of reality... "that's the summer I spent hanging out with my friends and going to the park, riding the bike trails, taking the bus downtown, vacationing at my uncle's cabin, babysitting the neighbor kids and saving enough money for school clothes... " or "that's the first semester I made honor roll!"

I know it hurts to be grounded, but your Dad is looking out for you in many ways. Sometimes it's hard for parents to do it with a smile on their face, so he ends up being angry about it and pulling the plug. Chances are he doesn't feel great about HOW he did it, but he does know WHY he did it, and that it needed to be done.

Hang in there girl! Keep the trust, get your priorities in balance, and earn some computer time back... but don't just do these things to get computer time back... do them because it's the right thing to do! Your Dad cares! Heck, so do I... but I'm just a virtual friend! Enjoy your real life and make the most of it!

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