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Thanks to all who helped..

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But i think i give up now. Sad

this was the last one i needed... i clicked about 10 today and yeah... ugh.


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Aw. You poor thing. Sad If we are friends, I have one posted. I need one more and I've been stressing out over it for a week.

Good luck my dear!

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I'll keep posting too so you can click my ones. I hope you get the ones you need SadSadSad

It is SOOOOOO frustrating that you can't send Hideeni's gifts. I really really really wish that you could SadSad

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Hmm I understand perfectly your feelings, I am missing one, and I didnt know until reading your post that hideeni candies will disapear on nov 4
I will try to find him right now

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thanks for the support you guys. i clicked 4.. got 2 of the same ones i don't want.. again.

i've officially gotten jealous of a few people just from seeing them with like 40 candies that i want. Sad

i'll try to post too but mines get taken fairly quick. x_x good luck to us all.. i couldn't get candies this entire MONTH cause they go out so fast, and then with so many posts i miss some too and it's like days ago. d'oh.

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thanks Gabs.. i added you.

wow PS won't open now. haha. i think it hates me.

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I am so sorry, renny... that is sooooooooo frustrating.... It would be nice after the hideeni section is over to be able to gift each other the ones we have excessive amounts of.... then, even if we don't want the prize for getting them all, we just want the candies, we would still be happy that way.... but NOOOO... PS doesn't think too clearly in that aspect.

I think we all feel your frustration, renny... and we all have for you.... i'll keep posting.... and u keep searching when u can... keep your head up high, and know..that when i do see hideeni in sparkies house, she will smack him upside the head first before i click on him to hopefully get u the candies u are in search of...
Good Luck, sweets

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thank you so much kivie <3 i'm usually always late i see a hideeni post 5 hours later cause of class, so i really have no opportunity to check. it's discouraging to getting "sorry all been taken" after like 5 clicks. Sad

im hoping my spare accounts will give me the candies i want but all be naught. apprntly PS likes to be mean with the non-gifting feature for Hideeni. Sad i missed the moody fruits too.. all of it.

but thank you. i'll try my best to be positive..

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hunny buns, i'm going to send a few different f/r's to you from my other accounts. the only stipulation is that i'm gonna have to delete you after november 4th. sorry, those are my extra pets and i don't have other "friends" on their accounts except for one person. but i click on the hideeni all the time so each account should have it.

eek..except i was out of town over the weekend and now i can't get on to any of them. in any case, i'm going to send them to you so you can visit them too and get the fruit. i won't click on them till you've collected all yours.


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Hey Riuna I have a spare account and the only person that clicks on the Hideeni links is me....I can add you to her friends and then you can have a guaranteed candy from her....???

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ok, i just sent them all. good luck! i really hope you get to finish your collection!

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thank you smorkle so much. it's fine if you delete me after nov 4. i been getting the same few candies over and over.. it's driving me crazy.. Sad i appreciate you helping me though. i accepted them. i think PS is being a poopie though.. it won't open.

Jennifer: thank you as well jenn. i'm glad to get help from you.

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In my wall there are some as well Smile I post at funny hours so usually a few gets left Smile

I hate it!!! I'm missing 1 for wekks now!!!!!

I always hated heidini (apart from the selling of his things ) but ps is a completelly different thing Smile As for the costume.. I would never wear it

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Lucky Strike wrote:
In my wall there are some as well Smile I post at funny hours so usually a few gets left Smile

I hate it!!! I'm missing 1 for wekks now!!!!!

I always hated heidini (apart from the selling of his things ) but ps is a completelly different thing Smile As for the costume.. I would never wear it

I don't really like the costume either. It doesn't even really look like a pumpkin.

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Oh Riuna, I know how you feel..it's very frustrating to not get what you want out of Hideeni...I can reserve some of them for you if you like..Smile I will be putting your name on the post so that you know..congratulations

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thank you so much guys.. so far.. 90% were repeats of the candies i hate.

hideeni hates me.

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I usually don't post when I find him 'cause I thought people didn't care much about it. o-o

And I find so many. D:

I'll post if I find more, then. Good luck

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@ Lucky: no luck yet. i get home at 7pm from school so most people take the candies already, and some don't remember to post.

it's okay though. it's my fault for being so slow. Mad

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I'll log in and see if I find him again today. You had luck clicking on mine so maybe it will happen again.

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Would you believe that that red and black peppermint was the 12th one I needed as well? I kept getting messages like that one as well, sorry but they've all been claimed, even when the post was only a few seconds old it was ridiculous!!!

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thanks guys... but sadly. PS is NOT loading for me right now... MadMadMadMadMad

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Lucky Strike wrote:
I wish the candies would stay a little more...

It will be better if we could trade candies like we ttrade ingredient s in REstaurant City.

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jennifer wrote:
Would you believe that that red and black peppermint was the 12th one I needed as well? I kept getting messages like that one as well, sorry but they've all been claimed, even when the post was only a few seconds old it was ridiculous!!!

I LOVE this candy too... MadMadMad now PS is giving me a blank screen. i realize u gotta click at least 5 mins later or else PS sorta freaks out on you and think it's been taken if clicked too early.

but i've gotten ghost-gift syndromes too.. it says i got it but the box isn't there... Mad

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i wish they can be gifted too. thanks for the offer though Serenity.

now he's giving gems.

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Well, I am sad for you Riuna who couldnt complete candies collection and sad for me! who couldnt complete candies too

In my case it was my fault for not claiming candies at walls as often as I use to do it
It is my first uncomplete collection since I began to play seriously

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sinenomine wrote:

Well, I am sad for you Riuna who couldnt complete candies collection and sad for me! who couldnt complete candies too

In my case it was my fault for not claiming candies at walls as often as I use to do it
It is my first uncomplete collection since I began to play seriously

i couldn't complete anything of hideeni. but i'm sorry for us both in the candies. maybe we can complete the gems.. Sad

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I think a couple of people already have... :/

i'm sorry you didn't got the last one... Sad

and what do you mean you haven't completed ANYTHING??

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Lucky Strike wrote:
I think a couple of people already have... :/

i'm sorry you didn't got the last one... Sad

and what do you mean you haven't completed ANYTHING??

i couldn't complete any of the hideeni items. ):

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